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Serviam Implementation Pattern catalogue

The Serviam micro architectural pattern catalogue contains a set of documented best-practices covering the low-lewel design and implementation of Web services.

The best practices are documented using a pattern template, and structured according to pattern types:

- Discovery
- Interface
- Message structure
- Communication

Discovery Patterns

Discovery patterns describe solutions that enable a service consumer to find and connect to services belonging to one or several service providers.

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How to isolate the UDDI code that selects a web service.

Service Factory Pattern

How to find services dynamically, e.g. in runtime, and start using them at once without having to modify any code first, and without caring about which platform and programming language the service is implemented with.

Service Oriented Architecture Pattern


Service Directory Pattern


Interface Patterns

Interface pattern describes how to use a service interface to archive a certain goal. Compared to communication patters, interface pattern are focused on describing different types of interfaces rather than the message exchanges between service interfaces.

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How to provide a general and loosely coupled Web Service interface that will not need to be modified in the future when services are being added or updated.

Chained Service Factory Pattern

Unchained Service Factory Pattern

How to aggregate business activities into a business process with a coarse-grained interface while also letting the participating activities exchange data.

Business Process Pattern

How to provide a Web Service interface and reuse business logic that also can be reused from other contexts than web services.

Service Facade Pattern

How to create an interface if the WSDL generation tool only can generate classes.

Web Service Interface Pattern


Message Structure Patterns

Message structure patterns are concerned with how the information contents of the messages are structured.

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How to ensure a consistent view of some data while also reducing network traffic.

Data Transfer Object Pattern

Partial Population Pattern

How to change a non-primitive property for a business object exposed as a web service, considering that SOAP messages are stateless.

Business Object Pattern

Business Object Collection Pattern


Communication Patterns

Communication patterns describe solutions focused on sequences of message exchange between services.

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How to let the client execute a long-running Web Service and return quickly without locking the client process.

Asynchronous Business Process Pattern

How to determine when a long-running web service has finished, when you do not want to block the client with a synchronous invocation of the web service.

Event Monitor Pattern

Observer Pattern

Notifying Thread Manager Pattern

Pollable Thread Manager Pattern

Multisync Thread Manager Pattern

How to receive notifications from remote long-running web services into your client application when it is not integrated with a web service engine.

Faux Implementation Pattern

Physical Tiers Pattern

How to send web service notifications to clients about generic events that have originated from sources that may not provide web service notification mechanisms themselves.

Publish Subscriber Pattern

How to enable easy communication between different architectures as if they were one single component and to do this without forcing the application programmers to first manually create classes, which deal with the low-level and protocol-specific programming.

Architecture Adapter Pattern

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kontakt: Peter Söderström (IT Plan) | Martin Henkel (Stockholms Universitet) | Web utvecklad av: Milena Haykowska (Stockholms Universitet)