
What is my research about?

Research Interests


Completed Ph.D. Supervision

All except those marked (*) are alumni members of the DECIDE Research Group. For current members, see here.


Recent Open-Access Books

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Selected Earlier Research Papers

Selected papers from 2003-2011, the years closest before my full-time appointments as Faculty Dean (2012-2014) and Vice President (2015-2022) followed by part-time as Senior Advisor to the President (2023-2024). The list below has not been kept up to date since 2011 when academic web searches made manually assembled lists obsolete (but see caveat below). For a better overview of my research papers, especially more current ones, see here instead (although Google Scholar fails to track around 15 of my papers, see here).

    Journal Papers

  1. Danielson, M.: Handling Imperfect User Statements in Real-Life Decision Analysis, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, vol.3, no.3, pp. 513-534, 2004.
  2. L. Brouwers, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and K. Hansson, Simulation and Management and Decision Analysis of Flood Management Strategies, Risk, Decision and Policy, vol. 9, No 1, pp. 23-45, 2004.
  3. Danielson, M.: Generalized Evaluation in Decision Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, vol.162, no.2, pp.442-449, 2005.
  4. A. Larsson, J. Johansson, L. Ekenberg, and M. Danielson, Decision Analysis with Multiple Objectives in a Framework for Evaluating Imprecision, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 495-509, 2005.
  5. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, Å. Gronlund and A. Larsson, Public Decision Support Using a DSS to Increase Democratic Transparency, International Journal of Public Information Systems 1, pp. 3-25, 2005.
  6. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Larsson, Distribution of Belief in Decision Trees, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2007.
  7. L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and J. Thorbiornson, Multiplicative Properties in Evaluation of Decision Trees, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 14/3, 2006.
  8. Danielson, M. and Ekenberg, L.: Computing Upper and Lower Bounds in Interval Decision Trees., European Journal of Operational Research, vol.181, no.2, pp.808-816, 2007.
  9. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, J. Idefeldt and A. Larsson, Using a Software Tool for Public Decision Analysis the Case of Nacka Municipality, Decision Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 76-90, 2007.
  10. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Larsson, Distribution of Belief in Decision Trees, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 46, Issue 2, pp. 387-407, 2007.
  11. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, A. Ekengren, T. Hokby and J. Liden, A Process for Participatory Democracy in Electronic Government, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2008.
  12. K. Hansson, M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, A Framework for Evaluation of Flood Management Strategies, Journal of Environmental Management 86:3, pp. 465-480, 2008.
  13. K. Hansson, M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Assessment of a Flood Management Framework, International Journal of Public Information Systems, Vol. 2008:1, pp. 25-37.
  14. E. Kahiigi, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and H. Hansson, Exploring the e-Learning State of Art, Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2008.
  15. Sundgren, D., Danielson, M., and Ekenberg, L.: Warp Effects on Calculating Interval Probabilities, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 50, Issue 9, pp. 1360-1368, 2009.
  16. Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L., and Riabacke A.: A Prescriptive Approach to Elicitation of Decision Data, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, vol.3, no.1, pp.157-168, 2009.
  17. X.S. Ding, M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Disjoint Programming in Computational Decision Analysis, Journal of Uncertain Systems, Vol.1, No.1, 2010.
  18. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Understanding ICT Adoption in Rural Communities in Developing Countries from a Quality of Life Perspective, Information Technology for Development Journal, 2010.
  19. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Perceptions of the Role of ICT on Quality of Life in Rural Communities in Uganda, Information Technology for Development Journal, Vol.17:1, 61, pp.61-80, 2010.
  20. A. Larsson, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson, Decision Evaluation of Response Strategies in Emergency Management using Imprecise Assessments, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 7:1 2010.
  21. M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Software Development of Linear Programming Algorithms for Decision Analysis Applications, Journal of Communication and Computer, vol.8, no.9, pp.793-806, 2011.
  22. K. Hansson, A. Larsson, M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Coping with Complex Environmental and Societal Risk Management Decisions: An Integrated Multi-Criteria Framework, Sustainability 2011, 3(9), pp.1357-1380.

    Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  23. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and J. Johansson, Decision Evaluation of Three Flood Management Strategies, Proceedings of FLAIRS-2003, AAAI/The MIT Press, 2003.
  24. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, J. Johansson and A. Larsson, The DecideIT Tool, Proceedings of ISIPTA 03, 2003.
  25. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, J. Johansson, and A. Larsson, Investment Decision Analysis - A Case Study at SCA Transforest, Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, CSREA Press, 2003.
  26. Ding, X.S., Danielson, M., and Ekenberg, L.: Non-Linear Programming Solvers for Decision Analysis Support Systems, Operations Research Proceedings 2003 . Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003), Ahr, D., Fahrion, R., Oswald, M., and Reinelt, G. (eds.), pp.475-482, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
  27. Ding, X.S., Ekenberg, L., and Danielson, M.: A Fast Bilinear Optimization Algorithm, Proceedings of Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (NACA 2003), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 2004.
  28. Danielson, M. and Ekenberg, L.: A Method for Decision Support in e-Democracy, Proceedings of eChallenges 04, Vienna, 2004.
  29. Larsson, A., Johansson, J., Ekenberg, L., and Danielson, M.: Multi-Attribute Decision Tree Evaluation in Imprecise and Uncertain Domains, Proceedings of the 17th International Florida AI Research Society Conference, AAAI Press, pp.850-855, 2004.
  30. Ekenberg, L., Danielson, M., and Larsson, A.: Second Order Effects in Interval Valued Decision Graph Models, Proceedings of the 18th International Florida AI Research Society Conference, AAAI Press, 2005.
  31. Popov, O., Danielson, M., and Ekenberg, L.: Mastering Development through International Education in ICT, Proceedings of eChallenges 2005, Ljubljana, 2005.
  32. Larsson, A., Ekenberg, L., and Danielson, M.: Non-Uniform Belief in Expected Utilities in Interval Decision Analysis, Proceedings of the 18th International Florida AI Research Society Conference, AAAI Press, 2005.
  33. D. Sundgren, M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Some Second Order Effects on Interval Based Probabilities, Proceedings of FLAIRS06, 2006.
  34. K. Hansson, L. Ekenberg and M. Danielson, Implementation of a Decision Theoretical Framework, A case study of the Red River Delta in Vietnam, Proceedings of FLAIRS06, 2006.
  35. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, K. Hansson, J. Idefeldt,, A. Larsson, M. PÃ¥hlman, A. Riabacke, and D. Sundgren, Cross-Disciplinary Research in Analytic Decision Support Systems, Proceedings of IEEE ITI2006.
  36. Idefeldt, J. and Danielson, M.: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Software for Uncertain and Imprecise Information, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI), 2006.
  37. Idefeldt, J., Larsson, A., and Danielson, M.: Preference Ordering Algorithms with Imprecise Expectations, Proceedings of the 2006 International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IWOR06), 2006.
  38. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and D. Sundgren, Structure Information in Decision Trees and Similar Formalisms, Proceedings of FLAIRS UR 2007.
  39. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Measuring the Information Society: An Explorative Study of Existing Tools, Proceedings of ECIME 2007.
  40. K. Hansson, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Mondlane, Essential Features of a Flood Management Framework, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2007.
  41. L. Ekenberg, M. Andersson, M. Danielson and A. Larsson, Distributions over Expected Utilities, Proceedings of ISIPTA 2007.
  42. Idefeldt, J. and Danielson, M.: A Note on Tornado Diagrams in Interval Decision Analysis, Proceedings of WCE.07, pp.301-304, 2007.
  43. E. Kahiigi, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and H. Hansson, E-learning State of the art: A Holistic Evaluation, Proceedings of ECEL 2007.
  44. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg and M. Danielson, Using a Multi-Criteria Tool for Selecting ICT Development Initiatives, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2008.
  45. L. Ekenberg, A. Larsson and M. Danielson, Second-Order Risk Constraints, Proceedings of the 21st International FLAIRS Conference, 2008
  46. Sundgren, D., Ekenberg, L., and Danielson, M.: Some Properties of Aggregated Distributions over Expected Values, Proceedings of MICAI 2008, 2008.
  47. Kivunike, F., Ekenberg, L., Danielson, M., and Tusubira, F.F.: Rural Communities in Developing Countries: An Explorative Review of the Contribution of ICT on Quality of Life, Proceedings of IADIS e-Learning 2008, 2008.
  48. Kahiigi, E., Ekenberg, L., Hansson, H., Danielson, M., and Tusubira, F.F.: Explorative Study of E-learning in Developing Countries: A Case of the Uganda Education System, Proceedings of IADIS e-Learning 2008, 2008.
  49. Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L., Gronlund, Å., and Åstrom, J.: Towards Interactive Decision Making: Connecting Participatory Processes and Institutional Contexts, Proceedings of eChallenges 2008, 2008.
  50. M. Riabacke, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Larsson, A Prescriptive Approach for Eliciting Imprecise Weight Statements in an MCDA Process, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, 2009.
  51. C. Waldenstrom, L. Ekenberg and M. Danielson, Threat and Control in Military Decision Making, Proceedings of ISIPTA 2009, 2009.
  52. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Examining Contextual Factors that Influence ICT Adoption in Rural Communities in Uganda, Proceedings of IST-Africa, 2009.
  53. E. Kahiigi, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, F.F. Tusubira and H. Hansson, An Empirical Investigation of Students Perceptions of E-learning in Uganda, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2009, 2009.
  54. M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Development of Algorithms for Decision Analysis with Interval Information, Proceedings of SOMET 2009, 2009.
  55. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Examining Contextual Factors that Influence ICT Adoption in Rural Communities in Uganda, Proceedings of IST-Africa 2009, 2009.
  56. E. Kahiigi, H. Hansson, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and F.F. Tusubira, Criticism of e-learning Adoption and Use in Developing Country Contexts, Proceedings of CSEDU 2009 International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2009.
  57. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, A. Larsson and M. Riabacke, Structured eDemocracy beyond eDiscussion, Proceedings of e-Challenges 2009, 2009.
  58. D. Sundgren, L. Ekenberg and M. Danielson, Shifted Dirichlet Distributions as Second-Order Probability Distributions that Factors into Marginals, Proceedings of ISIPTA 2009, 2009.
  59. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Investigating Universal Access from a Human Development Perspective, Proceedings of IADIS ICT, Society and Human Beings, 2009.
  60. M. Riabacke, S. Bohman, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, W. Faye and A. Larsson, Public Decision Making Support: A Developing Country Perspective, Proceedings of IST-Africa, 2010.
  61. M. Sutinen, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Larsson, Web-based Analytical Decision Support System, Proceedings of IEEE-ISDA, 2010.
  62. A. Riabacke, A. Larsson and M. Danielson, Business Intelligence as Decision Support in Business Processes: An Empirical Investigation, Proceedings of ICIME'11, 2011.
  63. Kahiigi, E., Hansson, H, . Danielson, M., Tusubira, F.F., and Vesisenaho, M.: Collaborative E-learning in a Developing Country, A University Case Study in Uganda, Proceedings of ECEL 2011, vol.2, pp.932-942, 2011.


  64. K. Borking, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, J. Idefeldt and A. Larsson, Bortom Business Intelligence, 2nd edition (in Swedish), Sine Metu, 2010.
  65. K. Borking, M. Danielson, G. Davies, L. Ekenberg, J. Idefeldt and A. Larsson, Transcending Business Intelligence, Sine Metu, 2011.

    Book Chapters

  66. M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, Probabilistic Decision Making in Intelligent Agents, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2008.
  67. M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, A. Larsson and M. Riabacke, .Transparent Public Decision Making .Discussion and Case Study in Sweden,. e-Democracy: A Group Decision and Negotiation Perspectiv, Eds. D. R. Insua and S. French, Springer 2010.
  68. M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, A Risk-Based Decision Analytic Approach to Assessing Multi-Stakeholder Policy Problems, in Integrated Catastrophe Risk Modelling: Supporting Policy Processes, Eds. A. Amendola, T. Ermolieva, J. Linnerooth-Bayer and R. Mechler, Springer, 2011.
  69. K. Hansson, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg and J. Buurman, Handling Multiple Criteria in Flood Risk Management, in Integrated Catastrophe Risk Modelling: Supporting Policy Processes, Eds. A. Amendola, T. Ermolieva, J. Linnerooth-Bayer and R. Mechler, Springer, 2011.


  70. M. Danielson and L. Ekenberg, A Method for Decision and Risk Analysis in Probabilistic and Multiple Criteria Situations, U.S. Patent No. 7257566, 2007.

    Software Products

  71. DecideIT Decision Analysis Tool (combining probabilistic and multi-criteria decision making) - free academic licence here.
  72. POLA Policy Analysis Tool (combining multi-stakeholder and multi-criteria decision making).
  73. Helision City Planning and Decision Analysis Tool (combining multi-stakeholder and multi-criteria decision making).


Research Invisible to Google Scholar

While Google Scholar is a powerful subdomain search engine, it misattributes or fails to find up to 5–10% of all research papers and other published research work after 1995 (which is considered to be their practical time horizon). This is a list of my 14 scientific papers, book chapters and books that I could not find in 2023.
  1. Danielson, M.: Evaluation of Imprecise Decision Problems, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Krakow, Poland, 1999.
  2. Asker, L., Danielson, M. and Ekenberg, L.: ICT on the Development Agenda, Proceedings of IITC 2001, Sri Lanka, 2001.
  3. Danielson, M. and Ekenberg, L.: A Method for Decision Support in e-Democracy, Proceedings of eChallenges 04, Vienna, 2004.
  4. Candia, R., Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L., Glimbert, L., Johansson, L. and Popov, O.: SPIDER – Spanning the Web of ICT in the Developing World, Proceedings of Education, Knowledge and Development, Norwegian Association for Development Research Annual Conference 2004, Bergen, Norway, 2004.
  5. Idefeldt, J., Larsson, A. and Danielson, M.: Preference Ordering Algorithms with Imprecise Expectations, Proceedings of the 2006 International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IWOR06), 2006.
  6. Hansson, K., Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L. and Mondlane, A.: Essential Features of a Flood Management Policy Framework, Proceedings of IST-Africa '07, 2007.
  7. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Examining Contextual Factors that Influence ICT Adoption in Rural Communities in Uganda, Proceedings of IST-Africa '09, 2009.
  8. F. Kivunike, L. Ekenberg, M. Danielson and F.F. Tusubira, Investigating Universal Access from a Human Development Perspective, Proceedings of 2009 IADIS ICT, Society and Human Beings, 2009.
  9. A. Larsson, L. Ekenberg, M. Riabacke and M. Danielson, Probability elicitation with valued probability rankings in decision analysis, Proceedings of the Mini-EURO Conf. on Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making, Coimbra, Portugal, 15-17 April 2010.
  10. K. Borking, M. Danielson, L. Ekenberg, J. Idefeldt and A. Larsson, Bortom Business Intelligence, in Swedish, 139 pages, ISBN 978-91-978450-3-8, Sine Metu, 2010.
  11. Kahiigi, K. E., Vesisenaho, M., Hansson, H., Danielson, M. and Tusubira, F.F. Peer Assignment Review Process for Collaborative E-learning at Makerere University: Is the Student Learning Process Changing?, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 3 Issue 12, 2012.
  12. L. Ekenberg, M: Danielson, A. Larsson, D. Sundgren, Second-Order Risk Constraints in Decision Analysis, Axioms 3, 31-45, 2014.
  13. Sygel K., Danielson M., Ekenberg L., and Fors U., Handling imprecise information in emergency psychiatric care. In: New Trends on System Sciences and Engineering. Eds. Fujita, H. & Su, S.-F., Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2015.
  14. Rosén A., Peters A-K., Daniels M., Danielson M., Hemphälä J., Håkansson M., and Ölundh Sandström G., Transformation-Driving Education, IEEE conference proceedings – 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Press, 2022.


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