
Picture of me

Who am I?

I received my Civ.Ing. (M.Sc.) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 1992, my Civ.Ek. in Economics and Business Administration from the Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University (SU) in 1994, and my Tekn.Dr. (Ph.D.) in Computer and Systems Sciences from KTH in 1997. I became an Associate Professor (Docent) in 2004 and a Full Professor in 2007 at Stockholm University.

Industrial Experience

I have more than 20 years of experience as an IT and management consultant in industry, designing large systems, some of them nationwide transaction systems. Quite a few of the systems were electronic commerce systems. I did my military service as a software specialist at the Swedish Military Headquarters (Försvarsstaben). I have worked for companies such as Philips, Shell Oil, and Nasdaq (the Nordic stock market exchange, now called Nasdaq OMX Nordic).

In the beginning of the 1980s, before starting university, I designed and built the world’s first completely online retail chain network/systems (850 Shell petrol stations, over 5,000 points of sale in Sweden) that accepted all payment/credit/debit cards on the market with PIN codes both indoors and outdoors, plus everything else from daily reconciliation and audit to dynamic tracking of illicit use of payment cards also online (see pages 269–275 here). The entire network/systems had two hours of total downtime during the 12 years it was in operation, and those hours were due to a malfunction at the telecom operator.

I was also the first in Europe (perhaps in the world) in 1981 to remotely individually configure a large number of computers online, distribute operating system and application software via file transfers, and then remotely restart (reboot) the systems – all automatically and without any human intervention; either because of new software releases or after having (remotely or manually) diagnosed problems at specific sites (SMART travel agency systems, over 2,500 points of sale in Scandinavia, see pages 281–285 here).

Academic Experience

I have, together with Prof. Love Ekenberg, created the DECIDE Research Group, the leading research network in decision theory and analysis in Scandinavia, and headed it for more than 15 years. I have written over 200 peer-reviewed research papers, books and book chapters on decision-making, risk and decision analysis, and decision and optimisation algorithms. Some of the ideas have also been developed as software products (Helision, DecideIT, and POLA) supported by a patent. They are being marketed by a start-up company (Preference), partly owned by Stockholm University Holding and KTH Holding.

My research results in operational risk-handling algorithms are used by, for instance, one of Sweden's largest manufacturing companies that, according to themselves, save between 1–2% (which is around 2.5–5 billion SEK or 250–500 MEUR/MUSD) of their entire customer order value each year by using the advanced algorithms in evaluating their operational risks in every proposed customer contract at the tender/offer stage (see descriptions on pages 143–157 here and pages 361–364 here)


The decision-analytic software DecideIT is based on algorithm libraries from my research. If you want to try it for academic or other educational purposes, you can find the program and a free one-year unrestricted licence for Windows here (licence key found close to the end of either book linked on that page). To run on Apple computers, use Apple Boot Camp (older Macs) or Parallels Desktop (newer Macs). To run on Linux systems, use either the Wine runtime or the Virtualbox environment.

Curriculum Vitae

My official SU record is here. Read more in my short CV.


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