Short Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Mats Danielson

Work Address

Stockholm University
President's Office
Bloms hus
SE-106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN


Stockholm University
Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences
PO Box 1203, SE-164 25 Kista, SWEDEN


Phone: 08-161540
Fax: 08-7039025
Mobile: 08-161540 (voice)
SMS/text: 071-0000-4106493 (delayed)
International: replace leading zero with +46


Civ.Ing. (M.Sc.), Computer Science and Engineering, 1992
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

Civ.Ek., Economics and Business Administration, 1994
Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, Sweden

Tekn.Dr (Ph.D.), Computer and Systems Sciences, 1997
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Thesis title: "Computational Decision Analysis"

Docent (Reader/Habilitation), Computer and Systems Sciences, 2004
Stockholm University, Sweden


Software Developer, WM-data (now CGI Group), 1981/02-1982/10

Software Developer, Royal Swedish Navy Headquarter (military service), 1982/11-1983/08

IT and Management Consultant, MDD-Konsult, 1983/09-1997/10

Post-doc, KTH, funded by SSF (Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning), 1997/11-1999/12

Strategic Advisor, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD), 1998/11-1999/06

Management Consultant, Result Ventures, 1999/08-2001/06

Architect of Future Products, OMX (now Nasdaq OMX Nordic), 2001/08-2002/10

Assistant Professor, Örebro University, 2002/11-2005/08

Associate Professor, Stockholm University, 2005/09-2007/01

Full Professor, Stockholm University, 2007/02-

Deputy Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University, 2009/01-2011/12

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University, 2012/01-2014/12

Vice President, External Relations, Innovation, and ICT, Stockholm University, 2015/01-2022/12

Senior Advisor to the President, External Relations and Innovation, Stockholm University, 2023/01-

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair Professor, 2023/02-


This is my family tree of ancestors