Journal articles:
Simaki, V., Paradis, C., Skeppstedt, M., Sahlgren, M., Kucher, K., Kerren, A. 2020. Annotating speaker stance in discourse: the Brexit Blog Corpus. Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory. Vol. 16, nr 2, s. 215-248
Skeppstedt, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2016. PAL, a tool for Pre-annotation and Active Learning. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics. 31(1):81-100.
Ahltorp M., Skeppstedt M., Kitajima S., Henriksson A., Rzepka R., Araki K. 2016. Expansion of medical vocabularies using distributional semantics on Japanese patient blogs. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 7(1).
- Velupillai S, Duneld M., Henriksson A., Kvist M., Skeppstedt M., Dalianis H. 2015. Louhi 2014: Special issue on health text mining and information analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Volume 15, Issue Suppl. 2.
Skeppstedt M., Kvist M., Dalianis H., Nilsson, G.H. 2014. Automatic recognition of disorders, findings, pharmaceuticals and body structures from clinical text: An annotation and machine learning study. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 49:148-158.
Velupillai S., Skeppstedt M., Kvist M., Mowery D., Chapman B., Dalianis H., Chapman. W. 2014. Cue-based assertion classification for Swedish clinical text - developing a lexicon for pyConTextSwe. Special issue: Text Mining and Information Analysis. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 61(3):137-144.
Henriksson A., Moen H., Skeppstedt M., Daudaravicius V., Duneld M. 2014. Synonym extraction and abbreviation expansion with ensembles of semantic spaces. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 5(1):6. pdf
Chapman W., Hilert D., Velupillai S., Kvist M., Skeppstedt M.,
Chapman B., Conway M., Tharp M., Mowery D., Deleger L. 2013. Extending the NegEx Lexicon for Multiple Languages. Studies in health technology and informatics, Vol
192, Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen, Aug 20-23, 2013, pp. 677-681.
Skeppstedt 2011. Negation detection in Swedish clinical text: An adaption of NegEx to Swedish. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2011, 2(Suppl 3):S3. pdf
Allvin H. et al., 2011. Characteristics of Finnish and Swedish intensive care nursing narratives: a comparative analysis to support the development of clinical language technologies. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2011, 2(Suppl 3):S3.
Conference and workshop papers:
Ahltorp, M., Dürlich L., Skeppstedt, M.
2021. Textual Contexts for "Democracy":
Using Topic- and
Word-Models for
Exploring Swedish
Government Official
Reports. pp 49-56. 1st Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (CPSS)
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M., Eriksson, G., Domeij, R.
2021. A Pipeline for Manual Annotations of
Risk Factor Mentions in the COVID-19 Open
Research Dataset. Selected Papers from the
CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. pp 214-225.
Skeppstedt, M., Domeij R., Skott F. 2021. Snippets of
Folk Legends: Adapting a
Text Mining Tool to a
Collection of Folk Legends. Post-Proceedings of the 5th Conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN 2020).
Skeppstedt, M., Dahlberg, S., Eriksson, G.,
Domeij, R. 2020. Texts and Terms from Swedish Public
Agencies in the SB Sam Language Bank. Proceedings of SLTC.
Skeppstedt, M., Domeij, R., and Skott F. 2020. Adapting a Topic Modelling Tool to the Task of Finding Recurring Themes in Folk Legends. 2020. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (DHN 2020). pp. 388-392.
Skeppstedt, M., Kangas, E., Peter Ljunglöf, P., Ahltorp A., Eriksson G., and Domeij R.
Plans for using texts from public authorities for creating a partly parallel Meänkieli corpus. 2020. Parallel Corpora as Digital Resources and Their Applications.
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M., Eriksson, G., Domeij, R. 2020. Annotating risk factor mentions in the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset. Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. pp. 52-55.
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M., Eriksson, G., Domeij, R. 2020. Line-a-line: A Tool for Annotating Word-Alignments. 2020. Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020). pp. 1-5.
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M., Kostiantyn, K., Kerren, A., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. 2020. Topic modelling applied to a second language: A language adaption and tool evaluation study. Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019. pp. 145-156.
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M., Kerren, A., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. 2019. Application of a topic model visualisation tool to a second language. Book of Abstracts of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019. Leipzig, Germany.
Skeppstedt, M., Rzepka, R., Araki, K., Kerren, A. 2019. Visualising and evaluating the effects of combining active learning with word embedding features. The Conference on Natural Language Processing: KONVENS 2019. pp. 91-100.
Skeppstedt, M., Kerren, A., Stede, M. 2019. Finding Reasons for Vaccination Hesitancy: Evaluating Semi-Automatic Coding of Internet Discussion Forums. MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics. pp. 348-352.
M. Skeppstedt, A. Peldszus, M. Stede. 2018. More or less controlled elicitation of argumentative text: Enlarging a microtext corpus via crowdsourcing. In: Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Argument Mining (at EMNLP).
Skeppstedt, M., Stede, M., Kerren, A. 2018. Stance-Taking in Topics Extracted from Vaccine-Related Tweets and Discussion Forum Posts. Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop SMM4H : The 3rd Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop and Shared Task. pp. 5-8.
H. Wachsmuth, M. Stede, R. El Baff, K. Al Khatib, M. Skeppstedt, B. Stein. 2018. Argumentation synthesis following rhetorical strategies.
Proceedings of COLING 2018.
Kucher, K., Skeppstedt, M., Kerren, A. 2018. Application of Interactive Computer-Assisted Argument Extraction to Opinionated Social Media Texts. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI '18). pp. 102-103.
Skeppstedt, M., Ahltorp, M. 2018. Towards a structured evaluation of improv-bots : Improvisational theatre as a non-goal-driven dialogue system. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 37-43.
- Skeppstedt, M., Kucher, K., Stede, M., Kerren, A. 2018. Topics2Themes: Computer-assisted argument extraction
by visual analysis of important topics. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Visualization as Added Value in the Development, Use and Evaluation of Language Resources (VisLR III)
- Skeppstedt, M., Kerren, A., Stede, M. 2018. Vaccine Hesitancy in Discussion Forums: Computer-Assisted Argument Mining with Topic Models. Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe
Skeppstedt, M., Kerren, A., Stede, M. 2017. Automatic detection of stance towards vaccination in online discussion forums. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Disease Detection using Social Media (DDDSM-2017). pp. 1-8.
Skeppstedt, M., Simaki, V., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2017. Detection of Stance and Sentiment Modifiers in Political Blogs. Speech and Computer : 19th International Conference, SPECOM 2017, Hatfield, UK, September 12-16, pp. 302-311.
Skeppstedt, M., Kucher, K., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2017. Language Processing Components of the StaViCTA Project. Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2017 (LACompLing 2017).
Skeppstedt, M., Sahlgren, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2016. Active Learning for Detection of Stance Components. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media (PEOPLES '16) at COLING '16. pp. 50-59.
Skeppstedt, M., Sahlgren, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2016. Unshared Task : (Dis)agreement in Online Debates. In proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Argument Mining, ArgMining '16.
Skeppstedt, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2016. Marker Words for Negation and Speculation in Health Records and Consumer Reviews. In proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine, SMBM '16.
Rahman, M., Asker, L., Skeppstedt, M. 2015. Proposing distributional semantics as a tool for medical vocabulary expansion. International Workshop on Embeddings and Semantics. IWES '15.
Skeppstedt, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A., Sahlgren, M. 2015. Finding Infrequent Phenomena in Large Corpora Using Distributional Semantics. Symposium on Methods and Linguistic Theories, MaLT '15.
Alfalahi, A., Skeppstedt, M., Ahlblom, R., Baskalayci, R., Henriksson, A., Asker, L., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2015. Expanding a Dictionary of Marker Words for Uncertainty and Negation Using Distributional Semantics. In proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, Louhi '15.
Skeppstedt, M., Schamp-Bjerede, T., Sahlgren, M., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. 2015. Detecting Speculations, Contrasts and Conditionals in Consumer Reviews. In proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis, WASSA '15. pdf
Ahltorp, M., Tanushi, H., Kitajima, S., Skeppstedt, M., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. 2014. HokuMed in NTCIR-11 MedNLP-2: Automatic extraction of medical complaints from Japanese health records using machine learning and rule-based methods. In proceedings of NTCIR-11. pdf
Ahltorp, M., Skeppstedt, M., Kitajima, S., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. 2014. Medical vocabulary mining using distributional semantics on Japanese patient blogs. In proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine. pdf
Skeppstedt M. 2014. Enhancing Medical Named Entity Recognition with Features Derived from Unsupervised Methods. In proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2014.
Abrahamsson E., Forni T., Skeppstedt M., Kvist M. 2014. Medical text simplification using synonym replacement: Adapting assessment of word difficulty to a compounding language. In proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations (PITR 2014, EACL Workshop).
Skeppstedt M., Ahltorp M., Henriksson A. 2013.
Vocabulary Expansion by Semantic Extraction of Medical Terms. Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM2013), Tokyo, 12-13 Dec 2013.
Ahltorp M., Skeppstedt M., Dalianis H., Kvist M. 2013 Using text
prediction for facilitating input and improving readability of
clinical text. Studies in health technology and informatics, Vol
192, Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen, Aug 20-23, 2013, p. 1149.
- Henriksson A., Skeppstedt M., Kvist M., Duneld M., Conway
M. 2013 Corpus-Driven Terminology Development: Populating Swedish
SNOMED CT with Synonyms Extracted from Electronic Health Records. In proceedings of BioNLP 2013, Sofia,
Bulgaria. pp. 36-44.
Skeppstedt M. 2013 Adapting a parser to clinical text by simple
pre-processing rules. In proceedings of BioNLP 2013, Sofia,
Bulgaria. pp. 98-101.
Skeppstedt M. 2013. Annotating named entities in clinical text
by combining pre-annotation and active learning. In proceedings
of the ACL student research workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 74-80.
Tanushi H., Dalianis H., Duneld M., Kvist M., Skeppstedt M. and
Velupillai S. 2013. Negation Scope Delimitation in Clinical Text Using Three Approaches: NegEx, PyConTextNLP and SynNeg. In Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2013), Oslo, Norway.
- Velupillai S., Skeppstedt M., Kvist M., Mowery D., Chapman B., Dalianis H. and Chapman W. 2013. Porting a Rule-based Assertion Classifier for Clinical Text from English to Swedish. Proceedings of Louhi 2013: The 4th International Louhi Workshop on Health Document Text Mining and Information Analysis, Sydney, Australia, February 11-12, 2013.
ul Muntaha S., Skeppstedt M., Kvist M. and Dalianis H. 2012. Entity Recognition of Pharmaceutical Drugs in Swedish Clinical Text. Proceedings of the Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, (SLTC-2012), Lund, Sweden, October 25-26, 2012, pp. 77-78.
Dalianis. H., Hassel M., Henriksson A. and Skeppstedt M. 2012. Stockholm EPR Corpus: A Clinical Database Used to Improve Health Care. Proceedings of the Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, (SLTC-2012), Lund, Sweden, October 25-26, 2012, pp. 17-18.
Skeppstedt, M. and Dalianis. H. 2012. Using active learning and pre-tagging for annotating clinical findings in health record text. In Proceedings of Semantic Mining of Biomedicine (SMBM 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 98-99. pdf
Henriksson, A., Moen, H., Skeppstedt, M., Eklund, A-M., Daudaravicius, V. and Hassel, M. 2012. Synonym Extraction of Medical Terms from Clinical Text Using Combinations of Word Space Models. In Proceedings of Semantic Mining of Biomedicine (SMBM 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 10-17. pdf
Skeppstedt, M., Kvist M. and Dalianis. H., 2012. Rule-based Entity Recognition and Coverage of SNOMED CT in Swedish Clinical Text. In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2012, May 23-25, Istanbul, pp. 1250-1257. pdf
Kvist M., Skeppstedt M., Velupillai S. and Dalianis. H., 2011. Modeling human comprehension of Swedish medical records for intelligent access and summarization systems, a physician's perspective. In the Proceedings of 9th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, SHI 2010. pdf
Skeppstedt M., Dalianis H. and Nilsson G.H., 2011. Retrieving disorders and findings: Results using SNOMED CT and NegEx adapted for Swedish, In the Proceedings of the LOUHI 2011, Third International Workshop on Health Document Text Mining and Information Analysis, Co-located with AIME 2011 Bled, Slovenia, July 6, 2011, CEUR-WS, volume 744, ISSN: 1613-0073, pp. 11-17. pdf
Hjälmstad I., Hassel M. and Skeppstedt M., 2011. The Impact of Part-of-Speech Filtering on Generation of a Swedish-Japanese Dictionary Using English as Pivot Language.
In Proceedings of NoDaLiDa`11 - 18th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, Riga, Latvia. pdf
Dalianis H. and Skeppstedt M., 2010. Creating and Evaluating a Consensus for Negated and Speculative Words in a Swedish Clinical Corpus. In the Proceedings of the Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing, NeSp-NLP 2010 Workshop, July 10, 2010, Uppsala, pp. 5-13. pdf
Skeppstedt M., 2010. Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text. In the Proceedings of Louhi'10 - Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents, June 5, 2010, held in conjunction with NAACL HLT 2010, Los Angeles, pp. 53-60. pdf
Allvin H. et al., 2010. Characteristics and Analysis of Finnish and Swedish Clinical Intensive Care Nursing Narratives, In the Proceedings of Louhi'10 - Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents, June 5, 2010, held in conjunction with NAACL HLT 2010, Los Angeles, pp. 53-60. pdf
Skeppstedt M., 2014. Extracting Clinical Findings from Swedish Health Record Text. Doctoral thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. pdf
Skeppstedt M., 2012. From Disorder to Order - Extracting clinical findings from unstructured text. Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. pdf
Skeppstedt M., 2002, Swedish text-to-speech in Festival Speech Synthesis System. Master thesis in Speech Communication, Department of Speech Music and Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. pdf