Press releases

EnRiMa to start collaboration with the INNOSPIRIT project

The University of Applied Science - Campus Pinkafeld and CET start collaboration within the project INNOSPIRIT and will use EnRiMa at one or more buildings in Austria or Hungary. 

EnRiMa DSS System showcased in Sweden

In conjunction with Systemvetardagen at Kista, Sweden, EnRiMa held an information session to showcase the capabilities of its decision support system (DSS) on the 12th of March. The EnRiMa team interacted with other participants at Systemvetargaden before proceeding to start with its dedicated information session followed by a Q&A session over lunch.

EnRiMa DSS Information Session at the “European projects on energy efficiency in buildings” symposium

On February 27th the EnRiMa DSS System will be presented with a dedicated session during the “European projects on energy efficiency in buildings” symposium in Oviedo, Spain. 

EnRiMa at e-Nova2013: Increase Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

EnRiMa project will be presented during a dedicated session at the e-Nova 2013 International Congress that will take place on 14 - 15 November 2013, in Pinkafeld, Austria. 

EnRiMa with a dedicated session at the III Congreso ESES in Bilbao

EnRiMa project will be presented in a dedicated workshop "Smart tools catalogue for the energy management in buildings” that will take place as a side event of a larger conference, the third edition of Congreso ESES, taking place in Bilbao, Spain on 1 and 2 October 2013. 

EnRiMa at the YoungOR 18 Conference

The YongOR 18 Conference that took place on the 9 - 11 April, at the University of Exeter, in the UK, gave the possibility to the EnRiMa partners, Emilio L. Cano, Markus Groissböck, Javier M. Moguerza and Michael Stadler - to present the work entitled “Strategic Buildings’ Energy Systems Planning”. 

EnRiMa contributes to the discussion at the event “European projects on energy efficiency in buildings”

On the 25th of February 2013, HC ENERGÍA, partner in the EnRiMa consortium, participates in the FAEN event dedicated to “European projects on energy efficiency in buildings”, which takes place at the Auditorium Príncipe Felipe in Oviedo, Spain. Luis Manuel Santos Moro, representing EnRiMa, will deliver a brief overview of the project, including some more details concerning the project approach to the energy efficiency issues.

EnRiMa Project to participate in the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) organises its Annual Meeting, in which EnRiMa will present, to take place at the Phoenix Convention Center, in Phoenix, Arizona (USA) on 14-17 October 2012. 

European research project with innovative energy efficient solution to be presented at the eceee 2012

Eceee, the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy is organising an Industrial Summer Study, which will take place in the Papendal Hotel and Conference Centre in Arnhem, The Netherlands, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2012.
Press release published on on the 5th September 2012

EnRiMa at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2012: “ICT for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities: from research to implementation"

EnRiMa project together with two other EU funded projects, IREEN and ICT4E2B Forum, organized a joint event entitled “ICT for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities: from research to Implementation” on the 20th June 2012 at the Stockholm Region EU Office in Brussels.

EnRiMa at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2012: “ICT for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities: from research to implementation"

EnRiMa, ICT4E2B Forum and IREEN projects will be the co-organisers of the event “ICT for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities: from research to implementation” that will take place on the 20th June at the Stockholm Region EU Office in Brussels during the European Sustainable Energy Week.

EnRiMa at the 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science 10/04/2012

On 19 April, the first concrete results of the EU-funded EnRiMa project will be outlined in London at the 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science.

EnRiMa is presented at the 2nd EU Workshop on Impact of the Energy-efficient Buildings PPP 05/03/2012

The European Commission is organising, with the support of the Energy-efficient Buildings Association (E2BA), the 2nd Workshop on Impact of the EeB PPP, which will take place in Brussels on 14-15 March 2012.

ICT for Sustainable Homes in Nice: EnRiMa project presents the workshop “DSS systems: modelling energy flows at both operational and strategic levels” 05/10/2011

EnRiMa project will be at the “ICT for sustainable Homes” conference and exhibition in Nice, France, on the 24th-25th October 2011, with a dedicated workshop along with other four EU funded projects E3SoHo, SportE2, Energy Warden and Tibucon.

EnRiMa project is promoted in the 11th Edition of the Green Week supported by the European Commission 02/06/2011

 The 11th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, takes place from 24th to 27th May 2011 in Brussels and around Europe. This year's theme is "Resource Efficiency - Using less, living better". EnRiMa partners participated at different events during the 11th Edition of the Green Week, with the scope of promoting, giving high visibility to the project and meeting potential partners.

EnRiMa project at the workshop on application scenario held in London by ICT4E2B Forum 26/05/2011

Experts, researchers and operators met on the 25th of May in London to face the new challenges of future developments in energy efficiency. The workshopwas organised within the framework of a Coordination Action European project whose purpose is to bring together all relevant stakeholders involved in ICT systems and solutions for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and to discuss about objectives and first results of new technologies.

The European Commission has adopted the Communication Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 10/05/2011

Energy efficiency is at the heart of the EU’s Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and of the transition to a resource efficient economy. This is why the European Union has set itself for 2020 a target of saving 20% of its primary energy consumption compared to projections, and why this objective was identified in the Commission’s Communication on Energy 2020 as a key step towards achieving long-term energy and climate goals.

EnRiMa project is an official partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign 15/02/2011

EnRiMa has been endorsed by the European Commission's Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign as an Official Partner.The Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign is an initiative funded by the European Commission to showcase activities dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. Concretely the focus is on spreading best practices in sustainable energy technology, build alliances and inspire new energy ideas and actions.


EnRiMa participated in the EU Workshop Impact of the Energy-efficient Buildings PPP 26/11/2010

23 members from the Public and Private Partnership (PPP) attended to the network meeting celebrated in Brussels on 25th-26th November.The purpose of the workshop “Impact of the Energy-efficient Buildings PPP” is to enhance the cooperation links within the PPP and to facilitate a first assessment of its implementation. This initiative is developed within the European Economic Recovery Plan, launched in 2008 and run until 2013. 


EnRiMa partners visited testing sites in Spain and Austria 02/11/2010

Researchers from the University College of London, Stockholm University, IIASA, CET, Rey Juan Carlos University and Tecnalia visited two possible test sites, located in Austria and Spain, to gather data for the EnRiMa project. EnRiMa partners met in January, both in Austria and Spain, to test buildings, which will help them to model the DSS Engine and to collect data about energy consumption and energy transfers.

Future intelligent systems in public buildings 15/10/2010

Ten institutions from seven European countries are involved in this challenging project launched on the 1st of October and running until the end of March 2014.To develop a decision-support system (DSS) for operators of energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use is the aim of EnRiMa (Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings), a project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development.

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