Nine institutions from six European countries are involved in this challenging project. A group of experts in a wide range of fields like engineering, renewable energy sources, building construction, electro technology, or simulation and optimization of industrial processes, join forces to perform a new advanced DSS - decision-support system software.
The consortium is composed of:
* Stockholm University, Sweden
The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences yearly hosts ca 5000 students and has ca 200 employees. The department cooperates with more than 30 universities and research institutions worldwide. DSV's research and education activities cover a broad range of topics in ICT with a particular emphasis on the interplay among humans, organizational actors and information systems.
* University College London, United Kingdom
The Department of Statistical Science at UCL is the oldest academic statistics department in the world. It has recently developed capacity in analysis of energy industries under the guidance of Dr Afzal Siddiqui. Two PhD students are currently pursuing their research in this area: one on timeseries analysis of energy prices and another on risk management via stochastic programming.
* International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - IIASA, Austria
IIASA is a multi-national organisation devoted to interdisciplinary, policy-oriented research focusing on selected aspects of environmental, economic, technological, and social issues in the context of global change. Their core activity is represented by the construction of Models, methods and mechanisms, and tools for supporting identification of solutions robust against uncertainties.
* Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at URJC tackles complex problems, inference, and decision-making with an interest in Bayesian methodology and stochastic and nonlinear programming.
* Center for Energy and Innovative Technologies - CET, Austria
The non-profit organisation, CET, was established in December 2006 and features a collaborative structure among international and national researchers with affiliations to research institutes with high reputations. CET creates a platform for knowledge exchange in the field of renewable energy sources as well as energy efficiency.
* Minerva Consulting and Communication, Belgium
Minerva Consulting & Communication is a Belgian public relations agency specialised in the management and execution of communication and dissemination activities within European research-related projects.
The SINTEF Group is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia and performs contractual research in fields including ICT, energy engineering, and building/construction. The division that will be involved in the project is the SINTEF Technology and Society Institute, focusing its activities in modeling better decision making systems both for public administrations and commercial businesses, mixing knowledge on economics and social sciences with operations research.
* Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Spain
Fundacion Tecnalia R&I is a private, non-profit technological research and innovation centre integrated into Tecnalia Corporation. I is the largest private Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) group in Spain and one of the leading ones in Europe, with a staff of over 1,400 people and a turnover of 125 million euros.
* Hidrocantábrico Energía, Spain
HCE was established in 1919 as an electricity output, transmission, conversion, and distribution company. Today, HCE is a diversified company present in other areas of the energy producing scene such as natural gas and renewable energy technologies. Hidrocantábrico counts for more than 1000 employees and the company will provide a site test.
The partners benefit from the support of:
* Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Austria
* Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland, Austria
* FASAD (Asturian Foundation for Attending Handicapped People), Spain
The partners work in synergy with other project funded under the same calls:
* SPORTE2 (Energy Efficiency for European Sport Facilities)