Rating in subject trees

Server-provided ratings

(In subject trees, link collections, search engine results)

This is a proposal for possible use as a method of providing SELECT rating services. The idea is to get existing providers of web pages, subject trees, link collections and search engine to add SELECT info into the output. We can probably not get the large search engines to adopt our technology (they will want to do it their own way), but there are lots of smaller web page collections and search engines, who might benefit from combining their services with SELECT ratings.

Note 1: The links below are just examples of what we might do.

Note 2: The actual HTML behind these pages is not the right one, they are just mockups to look right without the right content behind them.

Links to demonstration mockups

Example of subject tree

Example of web page to which
you get from the subject tree

Without rating
With rating

Alternative with rating last and some incomplete ratings
Alternative with dice instead of asterisks and some incomplete ratings
A fully working demo implementation of a page from the SUNET web index

Without rating
With rating

The SELECT search page

Example of a small separate rating window

A fully working demo of the page with a separate rating window

Variations of the pop-up rating window.


Comparison of this to local proxy techniques

Advantage with local proxy technique

You can get and provide ratings on any web page, anywhere in the world.

Advantage with server-added rating info

Anyone who sees a web page will also see ratings on links, and be allowed to add own ratings. Thus, this is a method of getting people, who have not before heard of SELECT, to know of and get interest in SELECT.

Technical specification

In addition to the proxy solution and the bookmark solution, there is a third method of adding rating. This third method is to add select directly into existing subject trees and web pages.

The advantage with this third method, is that anyone who visits a subject tree or web page with rating, will see the ratings. The user need not download and install any proxy, nor set up a special bookmark. In this way, rating in existing web pages can be a marketing tool for SELECT, people will see the rating information and want to know more. A disadvantage, of course, is that rating is not universal, it is only available in pages prepared for this. But this can also be an advantage, in that universal rating has the sparse matrix problem, and rating of special link collections will not so much have that problem.

I have made a mock-up of the user interface for such rating in existing web pages, link collections and subject trees. You can find the mock-up at a number of web pages, starting from http://cmc.dsv.su.se/select/subject/rating-in-subject-trees. html. Note: This is just a user interface mock-up, the HTML behind it is not correct.

To implement this, we need to do the following:

  1. Specimens of the HTML which an owner of a web page, link collection or subject tree needs to add to his page. Preferably, this should be very simple to install for a web page owner, for example that they can send, through HTTP, their web pages to a SELECT server (http://rated.it/addrating), and the server will return back to them, the web page with ratings added.

  2. The modification in a web page to accomodate rating is:
    1. Change every link
      <a href="http://foo.bar/foobar">
      <a href="http://frameit.rated.it?http://foo.bar/foobar">
      <a href="http://rated.it/frameit.html?http://foo.bar/foobar">
    2. Change the corresponding
      <img src="http://dice.rated.it?http://foo.bar/foobar" height=15 width=15></a>
      <img src""http://rated.it/dice.gif?http://foo.bar/foobar" height=15 width=15></a>
    3. (This assumes that we have registered the domain name rated.it" for our services.)
    4. <img src"http://dice.rated.it?http://foo.bar/foobar"> would return an image with a dice with 1-6 dots, indicating the statistically adjusted lower quartile rating of the web page http://foo.bar/foobar. If no ratings is available, a blank dice should be returned, or a dice with the text "No" as shown on http://cmc.dsv.su.se/select/subject/human-genetics-dice.html.
    5. <a href="frameit.rated.it?http://foo.bar/foobar"> will return a frame, where the top of the frame contains a rating bar, and the bottom of the frame is the original web page http://foo.bar/foobar.

  3. Code to insert in a web page to provide rating of this actual web page.

  4. Adding this to the Senior Online subject tree, which is presently being developed by Omega.
  5. Starting negotiations with popular subject tree and link collection owners, getting them to use what we develop.

  6. Implement the services described above on the URLs:
    1. http:/dice.rated.it - to return rating as a gif file with a dice with 1-6 dots,
      or en entireply blank dice if no rating is available, or alternatively a dice with the text "No" as shown on http://cmc.dsv.su.se/select/subject/human-genetics-dice.html.
    2. http://frameit.rated.it - to return a web page with rating added at the top
    3. http://addrating.rated.it - to update a web page with rating on all its links.

Question: Can we implement this? If yes, which partners can do what part of the work?

Note: This can partly be seen as an exploitation issue, because doing this may be a good way of getting our service known.

Details about the new web resources


(a variant stars.gif with red stars in a row is also easy to develop, I describe below the dice version.)

When a user retrieves "http://rated.it/dice.gif?http://foo.bar/foobar.html" the following will be done by the server:

  1. Find if there is any aggregate rating in the select data base for the web page http://foo.bar/foobar.html.
  2. If this exists, return a dice with between 1 and 5 dots, depending on the aggregate rating of http://foo.bar/foobar.html.
  3. If no aggregate rating exists, return a blank dice (http://cmc.dsv.su.se/select/subject/blank-dice.gif)


http://rated.it/frame-it.html?http://foo.bar/foobar.html will return a web page with approximately the following HTML content:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>Title copied from foo.bar/foobar.html</TITLE>
<FRAMESET ROWS = "36,100% " BORDER=0>
<FRAME SRC="http://rated.it/rate?http://foo.bar/foobar.html"
<FRAME SRC="http://foo.bar.html" NAME="Main" RESIZE BORDERCOLOR="#CCFFCC">
<BODY class=body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">
<H1>Frames needed</H1>
<P>You cannot view this page without frames.


http://rated.it/rate?http://foo.bar/foobar.html will return a web page with approximately the following HTML content (this is rather similar to what SZTAKI has already developed):

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#DDDDDD">
<form method=POST action="/rated.it/submit.cgi">
<div align="center">
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>Current
rating: 4.53&nbsp;<img src="five-dice.gif" width="15" height="15"
alt="five" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<font size=1>Your
<input type="text" name="textfield" size="15">
</font>&nbsp; Your rating: <input type="image" src="one-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
<input type="image" src="two-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; <input type="image" src="three-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
<input type="image" src="four-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; <input type="image" src="five-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<input type="image" src="six-dice.gif" width="15" height="15" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
<input type="image" src="more.gif" width="40" height="20" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;
<a href="http://foo.bar/foobar.html target="_top">
<img src="whole.gif" width="40" height="20" align="absmiddle"></a>&nbsp;
<input type="image" src="help.gif" width="40" height="20" align="absmiddle"></font></div>

This will look something like this as an added ribbon on the top of the web page found with the subject index or search engine:

Current rating: 4.53  Your keywords:  
Your rating:                 

(but in one long row, rather than two rows as above)

The function of the different elements in this bar is:

Current rating: The aggregate rating of this web page from the SELECT data base
An icon with a number of dots depending on the aggregate rating
Your keywords: Here the user can add keywords to this web page

Your rating:


Pushing any of the five dice buttons will send the keywords and that rating to the SELECT server. The dice should also change colour to indicate which of the dice has been pressed and as feedback to the user.
Search: Will open the SELECT simple search window.
Whole: Will open the lower frame without the upper frame in the current window.
Talkback: This will connect to a data base, which will find if there exists a discussion forum for this web page. Until we have implemented this, do not include this button in the ribbon.
Help: Will give help information about SELECT ratings.


By Jacob Palme <jpalme@dsv.su.se>