Filip Blom ePortfolio

Picture of my quiz game

One of our assignments in Spelbaserat lärande HT2016 was to create a quiz. Before this course I had never got the chance to look into either HTML or JavaScript. I've had some previous experience with java through two programming courses at DSV. We got presented with and existing quiz, but I thought the design on it was a bit boring. I started a new photoshop document and started to create a layout for the quiz, changed the style on the buttons and added new feedback icons that I thought was more fitting to the design.

With the new design I then had to tweak a lot of code to make the quiz functional. After some testing I thought the size on the feedback icons were a bit too big. So I changed the size for them with the javaScript and later on needed to tweak the position a bit with the javaScript. I also added a banner for the quiz to make the game look more appealing.

When the player have completed all questions in this quiz, he or she ends up on a "score screen" that reads out how many right and wrong answers they got. I thought, what if I want to play the quiz again. I want to beat my score! So I then added a restart button beneath the quiz. And this button does what it say it does, it restarts the quiz for you.

Summary of the things that I changed:

  • Changed the general layout for the quiz.
  • Changed the feedback icons that fits the layout better.
  • Added a restart button.