Maria Bergholtz, Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson and Petia Wohed, "Reconciling Physical, Communicative and
Social/Institutional Domains in Agent Oriented Information Systems - a Unified Framework", International WorkShop on Agent Oriented Information Systems, ER 2003 Chicago
Maria Bergholtz, Prasad Jayaweera, and Paul Johannesson "Work In Progress"
Maria Bergholtz, Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson and Petia Wohed, "Process Models and Business Models - A
Unified Approach", International WorkShop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business, ER 2002 Tampere
Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson, Petia Wohed, "Collaborative Process Patterns for e-Business", ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin 2001/Vol 22, No. 2 Prasad Jayaweera, "A Methodology to Generate e-Commerce Systems: A Process Pattern Perspective (P
3 )", Licentiate of Philosophy Thesis March 27th, 2002
Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson and Petia Wohed, "Process Patterns to Generate e-Commerce Systems",
International WorkShop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business, ER 2001 Yokohama
Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson and Petia Wohed, "
From Business Model to Process Pattern in e-Commerce",
International WorkShop on Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modeling, 2001 Montreal P. Johannesson, B. Wangler, and P. Jayaweera, "
Application and Process Integration - Concepts, Issues, and Research Directions
", Fossil Conference, Springer, 2000 Stockholm Prasad Jayaweera, "Mapping Function to Generate BML Process Model", A Technical Report
Prasad M. Jayweera, "Process Algebaric Business Process Models", Imerging Issues in Computer and Systems Sciences 2000 Stockholm
P. Jayaweera and P. Johanesson, "Seamless Transition From Requirement to Design with UML", International
Information Technology Conference 1999 Colombo
BPWS Architecture, Posters (
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