The following text is repeated in English below the text in Swedish.
Välkommen till Mats Wiklunds webbsida här på DSV (institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap) där jag är universitetsadjunkt och doktorand. Min föreläsningsinriktning är datorspelsutveckling, hårdvara och datorarkitektur, och jag är kursansvarig för kursmomenten SP1, SP3, SPDA, FKDA och DSP1DA.
Min forskningsinriktning är datorförmedlad kommunikation, och min lic-avhandling baserades på forskning om om Bulletin Board Systems, BBS:er. Klicka här för en sammanfattning av lic-avhandlingen. På senare tid har jag ägnat mig allt mer åt datorspelsområdet, både i undervisningen och i forskningen. Av särskilt intresse är datorförmedlad kommunikation i datorspelssammanhang, som massivt parallella onlinespel, MMOG:s.


Wiklund, Mats: Games and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing: Attitudes Towards Illegal Distribution of Computer Games, in the proceedings of CGAIDE 2004, 5:th International Conference on Computer Games, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, 8-10 November 2004, Reading, UK. ISBN: 0-9549016-0-6.

Wiklund, Mats: Game Mediated Communication: Multiplayer Games as the Medium for Computer Based Communication, in the proceedings of DIGRA 2005, Changing Views: Worlds in Play, 2:nd International Digital Games Research Association Conference, June 16:th-20:th, 2005, Vanvouver, Canada.

Wiklund, Mats and Glimbert, Lars: Students Perception of a Learning Environment and the Teachers Role While Using Unmodified Computer Games as Learning Tools in Upper Secundary Education, in the proceedings of CGAIMS 2005, 6:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI and Mobile Systems, 27-30 July 2005, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 0-9549016-1-6.

Wiklund, Mats: Behavioural Changes in Students Participating in an Upper Secondary Education Program Using Unmodified Computer Games as the Primary Teaching Tool, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2005, 7:th International Conference on Computer Games, 28-30 November 2005, Angouleme, France. ISBN: 0-9549016-2-6.

Wiklund, Mats: The Game Genre Factor in Computer Games Based Learning, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2006, 8:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI and Mobile Systems, 24-27 July 2006, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 0-9549016-1-4.

Wiklund, Mats: Computer game use and communication habit changes, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2007, 10:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games, 25-28 July 2007, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 978-0-9549016-39.

Wiklund, Mats and Ekenberg, Love: Going to school in World of Warcraft, in S. Selander, S. Kjällander and F. Lindstrand (Eds.): Designs for Learning, vol 2, nr 1, 2009, Department of Didactic Sciences, Stockholm University. ISSN: 1654-7608.
Adress: Mats Wiklund, Stockholms universitet, institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap, Forum 100, 164 40 Kista
Tel: 08/161614, Epost:
SPDA/DSK1DA:   Linuxlab     SP3:   SP3guide   SP3texturer
Länk till, och direktlänkar till frågesektionerna om naturvetenskap, teknik och juridik. Allt arbete med detta är helt ideellt.
Text in English (same as above):
Welcome to Mats Wiklund's web page here at DSV (department of computer and systems sciences) where I am a lecturer and a doctoral candidate. As a lecturer my field is computer games developement, hardware and computer architecture, and I am responsible for the courses SP1, SP3, SPDA, FKDA and DSP1DA.
My field of research is computer mediated communication, and my licentiate thesis was based on research about Bulletin Board Systems, BBS:s. Click here for a summary of the licentiate thesis. Recently, my focus has been more and more in the field of computer games, both regarding teaching courses and in my research. Of specific interest are computer mediated communication in game contexts, such a smassively multiplayer on-line games, MMOG:s.


Wiklund, Mats: Games and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing: Attitudes Towards Illegal Distribution of Computer Games, in the proceedings of CGAIDE 2004, 5:th International Conference on Computer Games, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, 8-10 November 2004, Reading, UK. ISBN: 0-9549016-0-6.

Wiklund, Mats: Game Mediated Communication: Multiplayer Games as the Medium for Computer Based Communication, in the proceedings of DIGRA 2005, Changing Views: Worlds in Play, 2:nd International Digital Games Research Association Conference, June 16:th-20:th, 2005, Vanvouver, Canada.

Wiklund, Mats and Glimbert, Lars: Students Perception of a Learning Environment and the Teachers Role While Using Unmodified Computer Games as Learning Tools in Upper Secundary Education, in the proceedings of CGAIMS 2005, 6:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI and Mobile Systems, 27-30 July 2005, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 0-9549016-1-6.

Wiklund, Mats: Behavioural Changes in Students Participating in an Upper Secondary Education Program Using Unmodified Computer Games as the Primary Teaching Tool, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2005, 7:th International Conference on Computer Games, 28-30 November 2005, Angouleme, France. ISBN: 0-9549016-2-6.

Wiklund, Mats: The Game Genre Factor in Computer Games Based Learning, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2006, 8:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI and Mobile Systems, 24-27 July 2006, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 0-9549016-1-4.

Wiklund, Mats: Computer game use and communication habit changes, in the proceedings of CGAMES 2007, 10:th International Conference on Computer Games, AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games, 25-28 July 2007, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. ISBN: 978-0-9549016-39.

Wiklund, Mats and Ekenberg, Love: Going to school in World of Warcraft, in S. Selander, S. Kjällander and F. Lindstrand (Eds.): Designs for Learning, vol 2, nr 1, 2009, Department of Didactic Sciences, Stockholm University. ISSN: 1654-7608.
Adress: Mats Wiklund, Stockholm University, department of computer and systems sciences, Forum 100, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 161614, Email: