How You can Use SELECT
Technical Information

What is SELECT

SELECT is an EU-funded project (under the "telematics for research" umbrella), which is introducing rating in the WWW. SELECT is now so ready, that we want our services available to real users in a large production setting.

What you can get

We are offering you to get rating facilities on link lists in your web pages at no cost.

A link list with SELECT ratings might look like this:


Try clicking on the links in the example above and see what happens.

The HTML behind one link in such a list might be:

<a onClick="javascript:rateWindow('',
'Anthropology in Uppsala',

Anthropology in Uppsala, Sweden </A> - Current research, on-line sale of books and publications. Information about our undergradute course and gradute program.

&nbsp;<img src= "

The black code above is the code before addition of SELECT, and the red code is the code which add when you add SELECT to your web pages. If you only want to provide SELECT in the simple way described above, you can do it immediately, you do not have to ask us for permission. But we are interested in your telling us what you have done.

Leeting people rate your own web pages inside the pages

To let people rate your own web page inside the pages, inserte following code into your web page:

<a href=""
+ document.URL, "displayWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,width=600,height=200");
return false'>(Awful)
<img alt="Awful!" width=15 height=15 vspace=2 align=middle border=0
name=dice1 src=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href=""
+ document.URL, "displayWindow", toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,
menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=200"); return false'>(Mediocre)
<img alt="Mediocre" width=15 height=15 vspace=2 align=middle border=0
name=dice2 src=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href=""
+ document.URL, "displayWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=200"); return false'>(Average)
<img alt="OK" width=15 height=15 vspace=2 align=middle border=0
name=dice3 src=""></a>&nbsp; <a href=""
+ document.URL, "displayWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no, directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,
scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=200"); return false'>(Good)
<img alt="Good" width=15 height=15 vspace=2 align=middle border=0
name=dice4 src=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href=""
+ document.URL, "displayWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=200"); return false'>(Great)
<img alt="Superior" width=15 height=15 vspace=2 align=middle border=0
name=dice5 src=""></a>&nbsp;

Aggregate and collaborative ratings

At present, SELECT only provides ratings based on combining ratings in the SELECT data base in the same way for every user (aggregate rating). We are, however, working at developing collaborative ratings, based on the ratings made by other people with the same ratings as yourself. What we are offering now, to you, is however only aggregate ratings.

Services offered

The main facilities of the SELECT services, which we are offering, are:

  1. A method for users to input their ratings on web pages.
  2. Display of the aggregate ratings on a web page adjacent to its link in the you subject tree page.
  3. Access to a rating server, to which you can send operations through HTTP in XML format to submit and retrieve ratings.
  4. Experienced Perl, C, C++ and Java developers who can adjust SELECT to your needs (we do not promise this service free of cost to anyone, ask us what we can provide in your case).

Implementation variations

This can be implemented in different ways, and we can adjust our implementation to your needs. Below are listed some variants which we can provide depending on what you prefer.

Anonymous ratings and spamming

Instead of allowing anyone to rate a web page anonymously, the right to submit ratings could be limited to certain people. The advantage is that this will make spamming (cheating SELECT by providing lots of high ratings on your own web pages) more difficult. The disadvantage with this is that it will take much longer time to get a good selection of ratings on web pages.

Or we could require that a raters first identifiy themselves. Their identification could be checked by sending an e-mail to them, which they must reply to. This does not give very high security, but is probably enough to stop most spamming misuse of the rating facility. Ratings on web pages within the same domain as the e-mail address of the rater can then automatically be blocked, if you so wishes.

Making SELECT optional

Users could be allowed to choose whether they want to use the rating facility or not. you would then store a cookie on this user, with the text "wants-ratings" or "not-wants-ratings" and people with the cookie not-wants-ratings would see the web page exactly as you works today, without SELECT rating facilities.

How to submit ratings

The method of inputting user ratings can be any of the following choices:

  1. A popup-window, as what happens when you click on the links in the example.
  2. A frame (this is only a mockup, not a working demo).
  3. Users who want to provide ratings, could go to our server and drag the "Rate this" link to the toolbar in their web browser. After that, they can click on "Rate this" in the web browser toolbar, in order to send in their ratings. Disadvantage: People may forget to provide ratings if they have to remember to click on a link in the toolbar of the web browser.
  4. Your own software which submits ratings using the standardized SELECT protocols, based on HTTP and XML.

How to retrieve the one to five stars

The method of providing the one-to-five-stars can be either:

  1. As in the example in the beginning of this web page. Advantage: Simple to implement. Fast display of all parts of the you web index page except the actual rating images. Disadvantage: These rating images may be slower, however, since they are fetched separately each of them from the SELECT server.
  2. By lettingyour server request the ratings of all the links in a page from the SELECT server unsing the standardized SELECT protocol. This can be done in one single TCP transaction where you sends a list of all the URLs, and the SELECT returns the ratings in a single response. You would then use the response from SELECT to generate one to five stars. Advantage: Faster display of the ratings, less network load. Disadvantage: You web index page is not shown until the ratings have been fetched from the SELECT server.

Red stars or dice?

The format of the rating icons could be either one to five stars or a dice with one to five dots . Here are some different icons. For technical reasons, the web page should contain width and height of the icon. This means that with the method described in (a) above, all the icons have to be as wide as for five stars. To hide this from the user, the stars have to be at the end of a paragraph. With dice, you can instead put the ratings in the beginning of the paragraph. This is not a problem with method (b), since then your server can generate the correct width of the row of stars.

The five stars we have developed are intentionally small and unobtrusive, but perhaps they are too small and too unobtrusive - we can make them larger and more visible if you so wants.

We can also, of course, make other changes if you so wish.

Multiple ratings

If the same user rates the same web page more than once, SELECT only stores the latest of ratings. This will not work, however, for anonymous ratings.

More info

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Select server info
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