Latest change: 30-Apr-2002
task description is also available in Swedish.
This course has at SU the name Computer Mediated Communication,
and is identical with a course which at KTH has been given under the name
Computer mail and computer-mediated communication.
The object of the task is that students in group sizes 2-3 persons shall discuss
a question and then write a written report of 1-2 pages of the results of
this discussion.
The question to be discussed is:
The company XXX is to decide on its future CMC and e-mail-strategy. Which
are the requirements on CMC and e-mail for this company? Which functions and
facilities are needed? Try to produce a list of the most important items which
the company should think of when choosing the e-mail stragegy.
Important: Do not discuss
this only from a technical perspective, but also from a user needs perspective.
Variation: Each group should first specify the company XXX as a basis of its
discussion. How many employees, what kind of existing computer usage, what
is the company producing. Select a company (real or fictiuous) and use the
needs of this company as a basis for your discussions.
The work task should be submitted in the box for
work task submission at DSV, not later than the first monday after the day
of the exam. You can only submit it by ordinary postal mail, but not
by e-mail. A preface to the worktask can be found on the web in HTML-format
and in RTF-format.
The booking of computer rooms which has been done for this course is only
to ensure access to computers to write your work task. There is no supervised
laboratory task in this course.