A P P E N D I X B |
Installed Directories and Files |
The Development Kit source bundle installs files and directories containing the binary files and source code described in TABLE B-1. Except for the src directory and its contents, the binary bundle installs the same files. The files and directories are installed under the root installation directory, c:\JCDK3.0.1_ConnectedEdition or the directory you that specified during installation. The root installation directory is referred to as JC_CONNECTED_HOME in this guide.
COPYRIGHT-software.html |
COPYRIGHT-docs.html |
The copyright file for the documentation of the Java Card 3 platform. |
The release notes for this Java Card 3 platform Development Kit. |
document.css |
platform.properties |
Specfies properties of the Java Card 3 platform RI that are used by the tools. |
api_export_files/ |
Contains java , javacard , and javacardx directories of API export files. |
bin/ |
Contains all shell scripts and batch files (including the cjcre.exe binary executable) used in running the tools . |
docs/ |
A compilation of the Javadoc tool files for the publicly available APDU I/O client classes in PDF format. A compilation of the Javadoc tool files for the Java Card RMI client-side reference implementation in PDF format. Java Card RMI client-side reference implementation demonstrates remote stub customization using the RMIC compiler generated stubs and card access for Java Card applets. Note - The RI for the Classic Edition supports RMI but the RI for the Connected Edition does not. |
legal/ |
lib/ |
Contains all Java programming language JAR files and config files required for the tools: |
samples/classicapplets |
Contains source files and directories for classic applet sample applications adapted to run on the Connected Edition. |
samples/extended_applets |
Contains source files and directories for extended applet sample applications. |
samples/keystore |
Contains keystore and other certificate files for use by the samples provided in this release. These keystore and other certificate files are for demonstration purposes only and cannot be used for developing deployable applications. |
samples/reference_apps |
Contains source files and directories for sample refernce applications. |
samples/web |
Contains source files and directories for sample web applications. . |
src/ |
Note - This directory is only installed by the source bundle.
Contains the source code for the Java Card API, the ROMized applications, the Development Kit tools, and the Java Card virtual machine. For more information on the contents of the directory, see Directories and Files Installed in the src Directory. |
TABLE B-2 describes the src directory and files installed under c:\JCDK3.0.1_ConnectedEdition (or the alternate directory you specified during installation).
Copyright © 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.