C H A P T E R   12

Configuring the RI

This chapter describes the options used to configure a custom RI. This chapter is useful only if you have a source release of the develoment kit. For real cards, there are a few items such as Protection Domains and Certificates that must be setup at manufacturing time. The RI provides a means of configuring some factory settings by using the config.properties file under the lib folder.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring Authenticators

In the lib/config.properties file, the following properties must be added to add an authenticator:

The following items describe the contents of the preceeding list of properties:

Creating Custom Protection Domains

The Java Card 3 platform RI assigns a protection domain to an application based on the certificate used to sign the application bundle with the Packager tool. In the lib/config.properties file the following properties must be added to add a new protection domain:

The following items describe the contents of the preceeding list of properties:

Creating a Custom keystore

A custom ketstore can be crested by using the keytool to generate the certificates and private keys.

Using keytool to Generate Certificates and Private Keys

Enter the following keytool command and options on the command line:

keytool -genkey -alias alias -keyalg RSA
keytool -selfcert -alias alias
keytool -list -rfc
java DumpPrivateKey

This is how the PolicyManager.java certificate and key were generated. For scripting use the following keytool command:

keytool -keystore keystore -storepass keystore-password -alias alias -keypass alias-password -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=X, ou=U, o=O, c=US"

This keytool command runs in batch mode without prompting for input values.

Configuring SSL Support

In the lib/config.properties file, the following properties must be added to add an ssl support: