
(All publications in reverse chronological order)
The bibtex-file for our publications is here.


Christian Guttmann,

A Software Architecture for Four-Legged Robots (pdf),
Master's thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology,
December 1999

David Lybäck,

Transient Diversity in Multi-Agent Systems (gzipped postscript) (pdf),
Master's thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology,
September 1999

Johan Kummeneje and Håkan Younes

The design of an object oriented agent system for robotic soccer,(gzipped postscript) (pdf),
In Bengt Lundberg editor, Proceedings of The Workshop on Futures in Information Systems and Software Engineering Research,
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and The Royal Institute of Technology,
April 1999


Håkan Younes,

Current tools for assisting intelligent agents in realtime decision making (gzipped postscript) (pdf),
Master's thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology,
December 1998

Magnus Boman, Jens Andreasen, Mats Danielson, Carl-Gustaf Jansson,
Johan Kummeneje, Johan Sikström, Harko Verhagen, and Håkan Younes

UBU: Pronouncers in robocup teams,
In Hiroaki Kitano, Gerald Seet, and K. Jagannathan editors, Proceedings of RoboCup Workshop at PRICAI'98, pages 117-122, RoboCup Federation,
November 1998

Jens Andreasen, Magnus Boman, Mats Danielson, Carl-Gustaf Jansson,
Johan Kummeneje, Harko Verhagen, Johan Walter, Helena Åberg, and Åsa Åhman

UBU - Utility-Based Uncertainty Handling in Synthetic Soccer,
In Minoru Asada editor, RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II, Proc. of the second RoboCup Workshop, pages 379-386, RoboCup Federation,
July 1998

Helena Åberg,

Agent roles in robocup teams (postscript) (pdf),
Master's thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology,
February 1998

Åsa Åhman,

Decision control in robocup teams (postscript) (pdf),
Master's thesis, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology,
February 1998

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Last modified: Wed Feb 23 1999