package mixer; import java.util.*; import*; /** *

Title: Mixer


Description: Mixer is a simple helper-class (that is easy to use) for Servlet programmers that enable a complete separation of Servlet- and HTML-code.


Copyright: GNU GPL,

* @author Pierre Wijkman, (generator) and Björn Nilsson, (tester), created September-November 2002 * @version 0.70 */ public class Mixer { private Hashtable mappings = new Hashtable(); private String html = ""; private final String contextNull = "---nullun---"; /** *

Constructor for the Mixer object.


Example: Mixer mixer = new Mixer(html);

* * @param html The string containing the template HTML-file. */ public Mixer(String html) { this.html = html; } /** *

Adds a marker that should be substituted by a value. Context of replacement in the HTML-document: no specific. *

Example: mixer.add("---email---", "");

* * @param marker The marker string that will be replaced by the value string in the HTML-document. * @param value The value string that will replace the marker string in the HTML-document. */ public void add(String marker, String value) { add(contextNull, marker, value); } /** *

Adds a marker that should be substituted by a value. Context of replacement in the HTML-document: specific. This context can be used repeatedly and is marked in the HTML-document by two identical markers.


Example: mixer.add("---context---", "---email---", "");

* * @param context The context string that marks a specific area in the HTML-document. * @param marker The marker string that will be replaced by the value string in the HTML-document. * @param value The value string that will replace the marker string in the HTML-document. */ public void add(String context, String marker, String value) { if(value == null) { value = "null"; } if(mappings.containsKey(context)) { Vector mapping = (Vector)mappings.get(context); mapping.add(marker); mapping.add(value); } else { Vector mapping = new Vector(); mapping.add(marker); mapping.add(value); mappings.put(context, mapping); } } /** *

Removes a marker-value pair associated with no specific context of the HTML-document.


Example: mixer.remove("---email---", "");

* * @param marker The marker string (associated with the value string parameter) that will be removed. * @param value The value string (associated with the marker string parameter) that will be removed. */ public void remove(String marker, String value) { remove(contextNull, marker, value); } /** *

Removes a marker-value pair associated with a specific context of the HTML-document.


Example: mixer.remove("---context---", "---email---", "");

* * @param context The context string that marks a specific area in the HTML-document. * @param marker The marker string (accociated with the value string parameter) that will be removed. * @param value The value string (accociated with the marker string parameter) that will be removed. */ public void remove(String context, String marker, String value) { if(value == null) { value = "null"; } Vector v = (Vector)mappings.get(context); int place = -1; for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i = i + 2) { String marketTmp = (String)v.elementAt(i); String valueTmp = (String)v.elementAt(i + 1); if(marketTmp.equals(marker) && valueTmp.equals(value)) place = i; } if(place != -1) { v.removeElementAt(place); v.removeElementAt(place); } } /** *

Clears all entries associated with no specific context of the HTML-document.


Example: mixer.clear();

*/ public void clear() { clearContext(contextNull); } /** *

Clears all entries associated with a specific context of the HTML-document.


Example: mixer.clear("---context---");

* * @param context The context that will be cleared. */ public void clearContext(String context) { mappings.remove(context); } /** *

Clears all enries associated with no and all HTML-document contexts


Example: mixer.clearAll();

*/ public void clearAll() { mappings.clear(); } /** *

Removes all HTML-code from a context including the context markers.


Example: mixer.removeContext("---context---");

* * @param context The HTML-document context that will be removed. */ public void removeContext(String context) { String htmls[] = splitIn3(html, context); html = htmls[0] + htmls[2]; } /** *

Adds HTML-code to a context.


Example: mixer.addHTML(htmlPart, "---context---");


Note! Experimental.

* * @param htmlPart The string that contains the subpart HTML-code that will be included. * @param context The HTML-document context where the subpart HTML-code will be inserted. */ public void addHTML(String htmlPart, String context) { String htmls[] = splitIn3(html, context); html = htmls[0] + context + htmlPart + context + htmls[2]; } /** *

Removes all HTML-code from a context excluding the context markers.


Example: mixer.removeHTML("---context---");


Note! Experimental.

* * @param context The HTML-document context where the subpart HTML-code will be removed. */ public void removeHTML(String context) { String htmls[] = splitIn3(html, context); html = htmls[0] + context + "\n" + context + htmls[2]; } /** *

Mixes the template HTML-document with the added marker-value pairs and returns the result.


Example: String html = mixer.getMix();

* * @return A string with the result of mixing the values from the Java- and the HTML-code. */ public String getMix() { String htmlResult = html; Enumeration e1 = mappings.keys(); while(e1.hasMoreElements()) { String context = (String)e1.nextElement(); Vector mapping = (Vector)mappings.get(context); if(!context.equals(contextNull)) { String[] htmls = splitIn3(htmlResult, context); String htmlTmp = htmls[1]; for(int i = 0; i < mapping.size(); i = i + 2) { String marker = (String)mapping.elementAt(i); String value = (String)mapping.elementAt(i + 1); if(marker.equals(mapping.elementAt(0)) && i > 0) { htmlTmp = htmlTmp + replaceAll(htmls[1], marker, value); } else { htmlTmp = replaceAll(htmlTmp, marker, value); } } htmlResult = htmls[0] + htmlTmp + htmls[2]; } } // Deal with context null last so that users can use any order of adding if(mappings.containsKey(contextNull)) { Vector mapping = (Vector)mappings.get(contextNull); for(int i = 0; i < mapping.size(); i = i + 2) { String marker = (String)mapping.elementAt(i); String value = (String)mapping.elementAt(i + 1); htmlResult = replaceAll(htmlResult, marker, value); } } return htmlResult; } /** *

Loads a HTML-file and returns the content as a string.


Example: String html = Mixer.getContent(new File("x.html"));


Example: String html = Mixer.getContent(new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("x.html")));

* * @param file The template HTML-file to load. * @return A string containing the loaded HTML-code. */ public synchronized static String getContent(File file) { StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(""); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String row = ""; while((row = br.readLine()) != null) { content = content.append("\n"); content = content.append(row); } br.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) { content = new StringBuffer(ioe.getStackTrace().toString()); } return content.toString(); } /** *

Loads a HTML-file and returns a specific context of this HTML-file as a string.


Example: String html = Mixer.getContent(new File("x.html"), "---context---");


Example: String html = Mixer.getContent(new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("x.html")), "---context---");

* * @param file The template HTML-file to load. * @param context The context string that marks a specific area in the HTML-document. * @return A string containing the specific context of the loaded HTML-code. */ public synchronized static String getContent(File file, String context) { String html = getContent(file); String htmls[] = splitIn3(html, context); return htmls[1]; } // Helper method, for effeciency we do not use JDK 1.4 / split private static String[] splitIn3(String string, String delimiter) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(string); int i1 = sb.indexOf(delimiter); int i2 = sb.indexOf(delimiter, i1 + 1); String string1 = sb.substring(0, i1); String string2 = sb.substring(i1 + delimiter.length(), i2); String string3 = sb.substring(i2 + delimiter.length()); String[] strings = {string1, string2, string3}; return strings; } // Helper method, for effeciency we do not use JDK 1.4 / replaceAll private String replaceAll(String string, String marker, String value) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(string); int i, j = 0; while (j < sb.length()) { i = sb.indexOf(marker, j); if (i == -1) { break; } else { sb = sb.replace(i, i + marker.length(), value); j = i + value.length(); } } return sb.toString(); } }