RosettaNet XML Message Guideline (HTML)
Beta 01.00.00B (23-May-2000 08:47)
1 |
1 | fromRole.PartnerRoleDescription
2 |
1 | |-- ContactInformation
3 |
1 | | |-- contactName.FreeFormText
4 |
1 | | |-- EmailAddress
5 |
1 | | |-- telephoneNumber.CommunicationsNumber
6 |
1 | |-- GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode
7 |
1 | |-- PartnerDescription
8 |
1 | | |-- BusinessDescription
9 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalBusinessIdentifier
10 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalSupplyChainCode
11 |
0..1 | | | |-- NationalStandardIndustryClassificationCode
12 |
1 | | |-- GlobalPartnerClassificationCode
13 |
1 | GlobalDocumentFunctionCode
14 |
1 | Quote
15 |
0..1 | |-- billTo.PartnerRoleDescription
16 |
1 | | |-- PartnerDescription
17 |
1 | | | |-- BusinessDescription
18 |
1 | | | | |-- GlobalBusinessIdentifier
19 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalPartnerClassificationCode
20 |
0..1 | |-- creationDate.DateTimePeriod
21 |
0..1 | | |-- beginDateTime.DateTimeStamp
22 |
0..1 | | |-- endDateTime.DateTimeStamp
23 |
0..1 | |-- generalServicesAdministrationNumber.ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier
24 |
0..1 | |-- GlobalPaymentMethodCode
25 |
0..1 | |-- isManualInterventionRequired.AffirmationIndicator
26 |
0..1 | |-- PartnerDescription
27 |
1 | | |-- BusinessDescription
28 |
0..1 | | | |-- businessName.FreeFormText
29 |
0..1 | | | |-- GlobalBusinessIdentifier
30 |
1 | | |-- GlobalPartnerClassificationCode
31 |
1..n | |-- ProductLineItem
32 |
0..1 | | |-- contractIdentifier.ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier
33 |
0..1 | | |-- countryOfOrigin.GlobalCountryCode
34 |
0..1 | | |-- deliverTo.PhysicalAddress
35 |
1 | | | |-- addressLine1.FreeFormText
36 |
0..1 | | | |-- addressLine2.FreeFormText
37 |
0..1 | | | |-- addressLine3.FreeFormText
38 |
1 | | | |-- cityName.FreeFormText
39 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalCountryCode
40 |
0..1 | | | |-- NationalPostalCode
41 |
1 | | | |-- regionName.FreeFormText
42 |
1 | | |-- GlobalProductIdentifier
43 |
1 | | |-- GlobalProductUnitOfMeasureCode
44 |
0..1 | | |-- GlobalShipmentTermsCode
45 |
0..1 | | |-- GlobalShippingServiceLevelCode
46 |
0..1 | | |-- GlobalSpecialFulfillmentRequestCode
47 |
1 | | |-- LineNumber
48 |
1 | | |-- ProductQuantity
49 |
1 | | |-- productUnit.ProductPackageDescription
50 |
0..1 | | | |-- requestedUnitPrice.FinancialAmount
51 |
1 | | | | |-- GlobalCurrencyCode
52 |
1 | | | | |-- MonetaryAmount
53 |
0..n | | |-- requestedDeliveryDate.DateStamp
54 |
0..1 | | |-- requestedShipFrom.PhysicalAddress
55 |
1 | | | |-- addressLine1.FreeFormText
56 |
0..1 | | | |-- addressLine2.FreeFormText
57 |
0..1 | | | |-- addressLine3.FreeFormText
58 |
1 | | | |-- cityName.FreeFormText
59 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalCountryCode
60 |
0..1 | | | |-- GlobalLocationIdentifier
61 |
0..1 | | | |-- NationalPostalCode
62 |
1 | | | |-- regionName.FreeFormText
63 |
0..1 | | |-- SpecialHandlingInstruction
64 |
1 | | | |-- specialHandlingText.FreeFormText
65 |
1 | |-- requestedQuoteResponseDate.DatePeriod
66 |
0..1 | | |-- beginDate.DateStamp
67 |
0..1 | | |-- endDate.DateStamp
68 |
1 | thisDocumentGenerationDateTime.DateTimeStamp
69 |
1 | thisDocumentIdentifier.ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier
70 |
1 | toRole.PartnerRoleDescription
71 |
1 | |-- GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode
72 |
1 | |-- PartnerDescription
73 |
1 | | |-- BusinessDescription
74 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalBusinessIdentifier
75 |
1 | | | |-- GlobalSupplyChainCode
76 |
0..1 | | | |-- NationalStandardIndustryClassificationCode
77 |
1 | | |-- GlobalPartnerClassificationCode
6: GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
10: GlobalSupplyChainCode |
Entity Instances |
12: GlobalPartnerClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
13: GlobalDocumentFunctionCode |
Entity Instances |
16: PartnerDescription |
User Notes: Preferred carrier. |
19: GlobalPartnerClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
20: creationDate.DateTimePeriod |
Constraint: At least one occurrence of Begin Date Time or End Date Time must be present. |
24: GlobalPaymentMethodCode |
Entity Instances |
26: PartnerDescription |
User Notes: The preferred carrier's information. |
28: businessName.FreeFormText |
User Notes: Preferred carrier name. |
30: GlobalPartnerClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
39: GlobalCountryCode |
Entity Instances |
43: GlobalProductUnitOfMeasureCode |
Entity Instances |
44: GlobalShipmentTermsCode |
Entity Instances |
45: GlobalShippingServiceLevelCode |
Entity Instances |
46: GlobalSpecialFulfillmentRequestCode |
Entity Instances |
51: GlobalCurrencyCode |
Entity Instances |
59: GlobalCountryCode |
Entity Instances |
71: GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
75: GlobalSupplyChainCode |
Entity Instances |
77: GlobalPartnerClassificationCode |
Entity Instances |
Name | Definition |
fromRole | The role initiating a business document exchange. |
contactName | Name of the contact person(s) within the organization. |
telephoneNumber | The numerical schema designed to achieve contact via telephone. |
billTo | The party that will pay the invoice. |
creationDate | The date-time stamp of a business document when it is created and/or approved internally by the partner. |
beginDateTime | The start date and time of a date and time period. |
endDateTime | The end date and time of a date and time period. |
generalServicesAdministrationNumber | Identifying number relating to a pre-established end-user pricing agreement. |
isManualInterventionRequired | Indicates whether manual (human) intervention is required. |
businessName | The name of a business entity. |
contractIdentifier | The unique number than identifies a contract. |
countryOfOrigin | Country where product originates. |
deliverTo | The partner and/or location to which the product must be delivered. |
addressLine1 | The first line of a physical address. |
addressLine2 | The second line of a physical address. |
addressLine3 | The third line of a physical address. |
cityName | The name of a city. |
regionName | The name of a state or province within a country. |
productUnit | A unit of product, e.g. an each or a package. |
requestedUnitPrice | The price requested for a unit of product. |
requestedDeliveryDate | The date the product is requested to be delivered. |
requestedShipFrom | The DUNS or DUNS + 4 number of the location where the product is requested to be shipped from. |
specialHandlingText | Free form textual description for how specified goods, packages or containers should be handled. |
requestedQuoteResponseDate | The date (and optionally, the time) that a Quote is requested. |
beginDate | The start date of a date period. |
endDate | The end date of a date period. |
thisDocumentGenerationDateTime | The date-time stamp indicating when this document was generated. |
thisDocumentIdentifier | Unique tracking identification number that identifies the business document being sent. |
toRole | The role receiving the document in a business document exchange. |
Name | Definition |
PartnerRoleDescription | The collection of business properties that describes a business partners' role in a partner interface process. |
ContactInformation | The collection of business properties that provide communication and address information for contacting a person, organization or business. |
PartnerDescription | The collection of business properties that describes a business partners' identity and their function in a supply chain. |
BusinessDescription | The collection of business properties that describes a business identity and location. |
Quote | The collection of business properties that describe a seller's offer to supply a quantity of products at an agreed price and schedule. |
DateTimePeriod | A time duration specified by a start and end date stamp and a start and end time stamp. |
ProductLineItem | The collection of business properties that describe a business document entry for a product. |
PhysicalAddress | The actual physical location of an entity as prescribed by local postal authorities, including country identification as it relates to the party or a product. |
ProductPackageDescription | The collection of business properties that describe a product's packaging attributes. |
FinancialAmount | The monetary amount defined by a specified currency. |
SpecialHandlingInstruction | The collection of business properties that describe product packaging or shipping handling instructions. |
DatePeriod | The number of days specified by a start and end date stamp. |
Name | Definition | Data Type | Min | Max | Representation |
FreeFormText | Unformatted text. | String | 1 |   |   |
EmailAddress | E-mail address. | String | 1 |   |   |
CommunicationsNumber | The electro-technical communication number, e.g., telephone number, fascimile number, pager number. | String | 1 | 30 | X(30) |
GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode | Code identifying a party's role in the supply chain. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalBusinessIdentifier | A unique business identifier. The DUNS number is specified by RosettaNet. | Integer | 9 | 9 | 9(9) |
GlobalSupplyChainCode | Code identifying the supply chain for the partner's function. | String | 1 |   |   |
NationalStandardIndustryClassificationCode | Business classification code created by the USA Government. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalPartnerClassificationCode | Code identifying a partner's function in the supply chain. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalDocumentFunctionCode | Code identifying the function of a document as either a request or a response. | String | 1 |   |   |
DateTimeStamp | Specifies an instance in time. Based on the ISO 8601 specification where "CC" represents the century, "YY" the year, "MM" the month and "DD" the day. The letter "T" is the date/time separator and "hh", "mm", "ss.sss" represent hour, minute and second respectively. This representation is immediately followed by a "Z" to indicate Coordinated Universal Time. Informal format: CCYYMMDDThhmmss.sssZ | DateTime | 13 | 20 | 9(8)X9(6)V9(3)X |
ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier | Unique identifier, i.e. a numeric value or alpha-numeric value, for a business document. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalPaymentMethodCode | The method of payment for goods and services. | String | 1 |   |   |
AffirmationIndicator | Used to indicate "yes", "no" statements e.g. Serialized Product. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalCountryCode | Two character country code specified in ISO 3166-1993. | String | 2 | 2 | X(2) |
NationalPostalCode | Geographic location as specified by a national postal code. | String | 1 | 9 | X(9) |
GlobalProductIdentifier | Global unique product identifier. RosettaNet has adopted the Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN). | String | 14 | 14 | 9(14) |
GlobalProductUnitOfMeasureCode | A product unit of measure e.g. each, pack. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalShipmentTermsCode | The terms under which a product is shipped. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalShippingServiceLevelCode | Code to identify the shipping service level, e.g., overnight, same day. | String | 1 |   |   |
GlobalSpecialFulfillmentRequestCode | Code to identify a special fulfillment request, e.g. delivery options. | String | 1 |   |   |
LineNumber | Number of the line in the document. | String | 1 | 6 | X(6) |
ProductQuantity | A quantity specifying the number of product units. | Real | 1 |   |   |
GlobalCurrencyCode | Three character currency code specified in ISO 4217-1995. | String | 3 | 3 | X(3) |
MonetaryAmount | Magnitude of currency amount. | Real | 1 | 15 | 9(13)V9(5) |
DateStamp | Specifies a specific date. Date stamp based on the ISO 8601 specification. The "Z" following the day identifier (DD) is used to indicate Coordinated Universal Time. Informal format: CCYYMMDDZ | Date | 8 | 8 | 9(8)X |
GlobalLocationIdentifier | Location uniquely identified by the DUNS +4 number. | Integer | 13 | 13 | 9(13) |
Created using Edifecs Commerce e-Modeling Tools.