EKP - Enterprise Knowledge Patterns
The EKP approach is a generic approach to capture, reason about, and document
organisational knowledge for future reuse. The EKD component of EKP is
a general problem-solving instrument, which can be used for a number of
purposes ranging from systems development to Knowledge Management. EKP
is developed by KTH (Sweden), Univ. of Paris-1 Sorbonne, (France), UMIST
(UK) in European ESPRIT projects F3
From Fuzzy to Formal (No 6621), ELKD
- Electrical Knowledge Development (R20818), ELEKTRA
- Electrical Enterprise Knowledge for Transforming Applications (No 22927),
and IST project HyperKnowledge1
(No IST-2000-28401).
EKP Contents The
EKD method EKP related
EKP address issues such as:
how to capture organisational knowledge including best practices in a participative
and modelling way,
how to package this knowledge in a reusable form, and
how to store organisation knowledge in a structured, easy to find, and
understandable way.
Consulting in EKP has three areas of concern:
Using EKD as a stand-alone product in consultancy concerning business development.
Examples of application areas within business development are creating
business visions and strategies as well as redesigning business operations.
Using EKD as a stand-alone product in consultancy concerning information
systems development, particularly for gathering the business needs and
highlevel requirements.
Consultancy in creating organisational memories using the full EKP approach.
Contact: Janis Stirna (js@dsv.su.se)
or Anne Persson (anne.persson@ida.his.se)
Download EKP Used Guide from here
1The HyperKnowledge Consortium is not associated
or affiliated with Logical Water Limited or any of its products