Avoding too Many Characters/Line

Version 4: xxx

By Professor Jacob Palme,
Stockholm University and KTH Technical University
E-mail: jpalme@dsv.su.se


This paper tries to make predictions about the future of e-mail, based on a questionnaire distributed to e-mail experts and on the experience of the author. The paper goes through all major e-mail functionality which can be expected to arrive in the next five years. In particular, the paper predicts that future e-mail software will provide better facilities for organizing and searching large mail data bases, that HTML-formatted messages will become common and support for work flow and group communication will be better.

Should you listen to futures predictions made by Jacob Palme? Well, I predicted the use of the Internet for public access to information already in 1974 and I predicted Lotus Notes already in 1979 so maybe there is reason to listen to my futures predictions!
Should you listen to futures predictions made by Jacob Palme? Well, I predicted the use of the Internet for public access to information already in 1974 and I predicted Lotus Notes already in 1979 so maybe there is reason to listen to my futures predictions!
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