Formalising the competition

Dealing with the abstract

All religions are built around tabus in order to guide people in their decision making process
The next religion will similarly may be built around guidelines how to make decisions

Formal game theory

An international competition for conflict resolution experts

A description of the Prisoners dilemma


Prisoner A has two choices

Telling on B

Being loyal with B

Prisoner B
has two choices

Being loyal with A

Prisoner A gets: 5
Prisoner B gets: 0
Prisoner A gets: 3
Prisoner B gets: 3

Telling on A

Prisoner A gets: 1
Prisoner B gets: 1
Prisoner A gets: 0
Prisoner B gets: 5

The standard algorithm

    Always start out positive. 

    1. Expecting an honest game
    2. Calculating on co-operation

    Always revenge when you are cheated. 

    1. This is only carried out when the opponent uses "dirty" tricks
    2. Use the algorithm for revenging in order to have to revenge as little as possible

    Always forgive after the revenge

    1. You must convince your opponent that the revenge was a one time reaction
    2. Otherwise you will have no business partners and no friends

Step by step increasing the sanctions

The basic idea is to continuously increase sanctions until the opponent agrees to play fair. The Loop below is repeated until any of the quit-conditions is true. For each time you run the loop below:

If no sign of co-operation

When there is any sign of co-operation
then specify a "compromise" that saves the face of the opponent

Basic principle of competitive communication

Separate feelings and thoughts and facts

  1. Start out as sophisticated as possible. Start out with shared values and general principles.
  2. Establish a platform of trust through general committments
  3. Define facts:
    1. Develop a model of their situation and their needs to show that you understand them and can see it all from their perspective
    2. Enforce a discussion until they understand your perspective. they do not have to agree about it.
  4. Define intentions
  5. Define feelings

How to revenge

Basic principle 1
Before you go further. Calculate if it is worth it in this particular situation

Basic principle 2
Beware that this is only a small but crucial part of negotiations

  1. Demonstrate dissatisfaction and propose a solution to this
  2. Increase the demonstration until effect

Basic principle 3
Be very slow, cold and patient in presenting the threats

Why competition must be regulated


Life is to balance on the border between the known and the unknown
Too much new becomes shallow escapism and too little rigid conservatism
Political art is to regulate as little as possible. Shrink hte law and make it more efficient. It should be:

Disagrements should be treated as a game where it pays to resolve them as efficiently as possible. This can be exemplified by:

Competition and Law

Below exemplifies how competition is used to arrive at the law.
In the future Law may be replaced by formalized games

Open measures

We may never go back to groups of solidarity since society will become virtual
Nobody will work without getting paid and thos who do not measure will die