Why competition

The basic argument for competition is benchmarking. Benchmarking is needed when we do not understand how things work


All communication is based on an official goal of synergy
Winning comes from varoius types of games:

The road of playing competitive games is to accept the pain of being honest
You pay now in order to win in the long run

To retaliate

Competition Basics

Who has power = who is the owner
The basic dilemma in all power game is how to delegate power without losing it

If you do not delegate you must do it all by yourself
If you delegate it you may lose it
If you control to much there will be no motivation
If you do not control they will do what you do not want them to do
The Boss must feel secure she will not be bypassed

and also being sure that subordinates can be bypassed

The solution to the basic dilemma is agreements on report routines
Where the reports are the base of reward. Power is control of currency

The aim of formalising competition is to design a constructive game, where people do not waste their energy in destructive battles.

General rules

Tabu and Competition

Perspectives of power and tabues
Religions realised it was evil. All tabues deal with it. The seven sins:

Fame, vanity

Desire as the root of all evil. Hinduism
Ambition as the root of evil. Buddhism
Sex as the root of all evil. Judeo/Christian/Muslim
Competition as the base of all evil. Marxism

The opposite good was order
Subordinating to the good of the majority
All modern elite should work for their own salvation. Thanks to democracy

General principles
All social life is based on agreements, cooperation, and on trading
Every life form preserves it efficiency through automation
The parts of an agreement are:

The levels of agreements are in descending order:

  1. Feelings
  2. Opinions
  3. Communication
  4. Beliefs
  5. Property, trade
  6. Physical, War

Chosing level of competition

Feeling of seeing
You transcend knowledge into seeing. Its a physical, visceral feeling when your are what you see.

Abstractions hide
You cannot see your abstractions because they are so fast, so balanced and so integrated into memory that they become part of the timeless that cannot be seen. This is why dreaming makes you see when thoughts are numbed and your focus shifts.

Once something is understood it joins neutral eternity.

Surrender before shift
The mind must surrender before the shift can take place. This is the most repeated imperative in the esoteric world.
However the mind cannot surrender if it is not ready for assuming the role of the witness. it must first be trained step by step which is done by:

When is something neutral
After it is known, classified, mapped, digested and entirely penetrated. All magic must be changed into TV.

When are you stable in your house
When you stop to think about events in time you will start to think about eternity

Teach the opponent the highest type of revenge you can
show that it is explicit in relation to what s/he said or did
By offering an understanding to you initiate a dialogue
Unconditional love menas that you will respoect their suffering
when you inflict pain on them because then you suffer with them

When confronting will projectors of primitive fear
you should beware of high costs and refrain from unworthy opponents
where you wowrthy opponent is also your lover

From destructive to constructive competition

Make agreements with the thieves => Police
Replace solidarity with explicit games
Replace games with meta games to prevent sub-optimisation by skilled players

When does it pay to start a war. You must meet the following requirements