A. F Chalmers: What is this thing called science

The book describes reasons for doubting that facts acquired by observation and experiments are as straightforward and secure as has traditionally been assumed.
Scientific knowledge can neither be conclusively proved nor conclusively disproved by reference to the facts.
The great embarrassment in scientific theory is that the major advances in science have not been achieved in a way that the philosophy of science say they should have been.

1 Science as knowledge derived from the facts of experience

2 Observation as practical intervention

3 Experiment

4 Induction

5 Falsificationism

6 The growth of science

7 Limitations of falsificationism

8 Theories as structures. Kuhn's paradigms

9 Theories as structures. Imre Lakatos

10 Feyerabend's anarchistic theory of science

11 Methodological changes in method

12 The bayesian approach

P(h/e) = P(h) * P(e/h)
where P(h) = prior probability, e = evidence, P8H/e) = posterior probability after the evidence e is taken into the account

13 The new experimentalism

14 Why should the world obey laws

15 Realism and anti-realism