Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Stephen P. Robbins. Prentice Hall
This summary contains selected parts of the book Organizational Behaviour

1 A leader can have many different roles

However, the basic most important role is the role as decision maker
The decisions determine the direction of the organisation just as the decisions in a persons life determines the outcomes of it.

2 A leader is engaged in many different activities

The basic skill is to motivate people to do what the leader wants them to do

3 The Bimodal work force

4 Tom Peters and Roger Waterman
The book "In search of Excellence" sold in five million copies

There are 8 signs of successful managers in Fortune 500 companies

5 Cultural factors that affects human behavior in organizations

6 Personal factors that affects human behavior in organizations

7 Four different ways to measure intellectual capacity

8 Personality features that affect how a persons works in a system

9 Job-fit theory

10 Factors affecting perception

11 Halo effect

12 Contrast effect

13 Projection

14 Stereotyping

15 Value based decision making

16 Method for decisions

17 Conventional decision making

18 Assigning priorities in decision making in order to optimize

19 Constraints on rationality

20 Values and attitudes

22 What is most important? The road or the goal

23 Attitudes can be of various types

24 The Brain must be in balance

25 Self perception theory

26 Theories about mental models

27 What creates work satisfaction, TS

28 Motivations needs and hygiene factors, TS

29 Cognitive evaluation theory, TS

30 Goal definition and performance, TS

31 Equity theory, TS

32 The theory about positive expectations, TS

33 Management by Objectives (MBO), TS

34 Behavior modification, TS

35 How to control people from a base of scientific theories, TS

36 What is a quality circle, TS

37 New solutions when scheduling work, TS

38 Work tasks can be adjusted to fit the needs of the employees, TS

39 Groups can be of various types, TS

40 Stages in a groups life-cycle, TS

41 Equilibrium in groups, TS

42 The components of a role, TS

43 Zimbardos simulated prison, TS

44 Norms, TS

45 Group size and social passivity, TS

46 Groups are based on synergy, TS

47 Conformity, TS

48 A conventional model describing how communication between people is carried out, TS

49 In all communication there is also a game

50 The art of listening

51 The feedback should be

52 Advantages with group formation

53 Drawbacks with groups

54 Structured group thinking

55 The distributed Delphi technique

56 Electronic meetings

57 The difference between leaders and managers

58 Relation oriented leaders

59 Leadership that is adjusted to the situation

60 The most important rule for leaders

61 Charismatic leaders

62 Transactional leaders

63 Transforming leaders

64 Power

65 Overcoming organizational defense (when mental models)
Seven world wide errors

66 A traditional view on conflicts

67 A relation oriented view on conflict

68 An interactionist view on conflict

69 The four levels of negotiators

70 A general negotiation strategy when the other may be cheating

71 The optimal revenge loop

72 Degree of structure in organizations

73 Complexity

74 Formalization is directly related to automating

Loosely joined organizations

75 Requires that the employees can work independently

76 The higher the degree of maturity the more decentralized

77 Productivity and specialization

78 Clear and simple routines of reporting

79 Authority must be in balance with responsibility

80 The hierarchy of an organization is can be based on

81 Variations of hierarchies

82 Variations or unifying principles for organizations

83 Other perspectives on strategies used in organizations

84 Structure and growth

85 Change of competition in various markets

86 Which is the best organization

87 Factors influencing the structure an organization will get

88 Minzbergs five parts of the organization

89 Risks with small structures

90 Conflicts between divisions

91 The "female" view of management of organizations

92 Advantages with a machine bureaucracy

93 Disadvantages with a machine bureaucracy

94 Ad-hocrazy

95 Advantages with a matrix organization

96 Disadvantages with a matrix organization

97 How organizations change in crisis

98 Market shares or maximize profits

99 Specifying roles in the company

100 Problems and solutions with employee reward

101 Creating rigid institutions

102 Stress

103 The future chock according to Alvin Toffler

104 The three steps in the field theory of Lewin for balancing positive and negative feedback

105 Conscious control of change

106 Examples of social perspectives on development of organizational