Response on some of the graphical parts of the assignments

General comment. Once it is made clear it seems like common sense. What did you miss in hte descriptions?

KM in Relationship to Other Disciplines
The graph that illustrates the relationships very good. The only thing missing is a title or something that describes the essence of the graph. It is a selection of something but what type of selection.

Graphical View of the Using of Data Warehouses And Knowledge Management Systems
Here we have a good starting point

Map of relations
Örjan Blom has introduced the graph in a very good way. He explains how to read it and there is a general flow in the graph. If all teachers did like Örjan the university would be different.

Motivation at work
Consistent and good but maybe too general. Interesting application of motivation at work
The same goes for generic learning patterns

A cryptic cloud at the top

Very clear and instructive

A very good example of pedagogy
Good introductions. Clear descriptions.

Learning obstacles
Clear and instructive figure. Good intruduction and/or index but contains little that is not common sense.
However. Very good text descriptions since at the Internet people prefer short sections of well structured text

Clear and illustrative but there could be some kind of relationship labeling features.

Protocol analysis
Difficult to follow some parts of the graph. Very good text descriptions.

The circular organisation
Nice description of how it is developed but it is somewhat unclear

Nice consistent balance in picture but little description of details in the technology phase

Nice overview but slightly unclear how division is made

The main figure has no description of meeting places

The TOEFL test
Consistent and logic but what does it contribute to a KM network that users do not know by themselves

A nice illustration of grouping parts of a graph

An extensive work with metrics. They probably need to be more formalized before being used in a system

How is the knowledge shared?

Good knowledge structures
But errors in the clicking mechanism

Easy to understand Who is Mos?

Distributed Communities that structure knoweldge
How is the analysis made? The measures are general!!

The knowledge pyramid
Impressive figure but what is "situation"? The KM-model is clear.

Nice consistent model

A very informative figure 2

An estetic design but to little information on such a general level. It does not say much

Which are the relationships in the ontology

Good systematic descriptions of tools but graphs somewhat unclear

Is knowledge a product or is it a process

Beautiful design but no "home" link

An interesting version of tacit-explicit knowledge Measures are rarely defined

Where to start, from where comes solutions?
Could the presented knowledge be processed further

Clear description but what is appropriate way to measure

Why are there no exemples of measures

Knowledge representation
A good example of representation but too common sense to be reusable
Communities of practise is far from Knowledge Representation. the relationship is not explicit
However, a good overview here

A very good example of a clear, simple and reusable description + a good description of forward and backward chaining

It is very difficult to create reusable knowledge representations. Some major difficulties: