The difference between a method approach and rational heuristics

  Method approach Rational heuristics
  Efficient and automated Slow and manual (can be automated in expert systems)
  Must always be carried out in one way Can be adjusted to various situations
  Requires no understanding Requires some thinking
  Can be perceived as a machine (tacit) Can be perceived as a tool (explicit)
  Has a very narrow field of applicability Can be used in many fields
  Inefficient to communicate since you need to communicate a very large number of methods before the students cover all knowledge Efficient to communicate since the student only needs to learn the principles.

Example from baking

Process Method
Take 100 grams of "ICA-special" wheat, and 50 grams of sugar, and 50 grams of butter and 4 eggs and mix it in a food processor at medium speed
during 5 minutes.

Problems: What if you cannot get this type of wheat? What if you desire to make a cake of a different size? What if you do not have a food processor? What if you miss checking the time?

Rational heuristics
Estimate the weight of any desired amount of fine grained wheat, add half as much sugar, and the same amount butter. For every 25 grams of wheat you should add one egg. Mix the ingridients until they are solid enough to not flow out of the bowl when you try to pour it out.

In the example above we compare two ways of baking. The scientific community aims at transforming as much knowledge as possible into verified generally applicable theories.