Definitions of knowledge and knowledge management

What is information?

What can you use computers for

What is knowledge

Examples of perspectives of knowledge:

What knowledge isused for

The brain

The brain halves

The brain waves
Alpha are quick while Delta are slow

Types of goals for types of thinking

The brain reorganizes itself

Types of knowledge

All knowledge must be either:

Un-transcended knowledge

The knowledge processed in Knowledge Management

The goal of thinking

PKM and social competition

KM as representation and reuse of explicit knowledge

All else is processing of tacit knowledge and belongs to traditional organisational theory or organisational routines

KM in knowledge bases consists of process descriptions with

KM as tacit knowledge
95% of all knowledge is tacit knowledge, i.e. it can only be demonstrated but not disseminated through language

What is most important in a graphical desciption

Types of social knowledge

An agreement is reach when two parties commit themselves into acting in a certain way
An agreement is the atomic unit of any relationship between animals

Knowledge can be tranformed into power and authority and power can be transformed into knowledge

Norm systems
All organisations are governed by norms. When norms become completely formalised we call them laws

Myths are knowledge that has emerged through stories without being formalised through a rational process

Religions are knowledge of belief systems and norm systems that has emerged through stories without being formalised through a rational process

Knowledge as protective prisons

How knowledge is created

Stages of development in consciousness

  1. Physical
  2. Instinct
  3. Social
  4. Personal
  5. Abstract
  6. Creative
  7. Systemic

Principles behind hierarchies of needs

Emergence of knowledge in relation to language

Knowledge emerges as "froozen" methaphors in a community. A froozen methaphor is a when an expression of a sound or an analogy becomes a concept in itself

Dialectic evolution

The negative side of knowledge consistency

Aging and defense mechanisms

Formalizing and system design

The knowledge dilemma, a side effect of formalisation

The expert society as a knowledge dilemma

How to escape the stupidity of knowledge opression

Knowledge Creation from a Personal Knowledge Management perspective

What is PKM
Personal knowledge management supports long time learning in the organisation. It is based on subordinates being proactive. And this can only be achived by the management learning how to control the subordinates in a very refined and sophisticated way. Give the subordinates power in relation to how much power they give back. You should not be satisified with getting good results and their loyalty. You should get an added control of abstract power. Let them handle it all and then force them to return the essence by:

What should be documented in PKM

  1. Only specific tasks are interesting, tacit examples or nobody will understand them afterwards
  2. Only plans. Nobody documents after a thing is done. It should be documented as plans in the schema. How to do it all step by step or assumptions about what may happen. Each plan should have a reference to routines
  3. The Boss only checks exceptions and does some random tests. S/he can also:
    1. change priority on measures
    2. tell people to write differently

Principles of using PKM as development of competences in an organisation

What a global PKM system in an organisation should consist of

How knowledge is used in organisations

Mental models in an organisation

When an organisation can produce a good overview of what they do then there is an increase in the employees ability to communicate. When the often talked about "shared vision" is replaced by an explicit frame of reference the organisation will become solid.

Knowledge companies

The use of knowledge from a global perspective

Available summeries of Swedish books

Science and art

Group Knowledge Management

Groups deciding about which rules are valid and creating and voting for general rules

Competence development

Consultancy Societies are based on commercial agreements between independent consultants:

Management and control systems

Management of organisations

Knowlege networks is based on

Compression of information

Knowledge transfer

Working knowledge

Nancy Dixons descriptions of knowledge transfer

Communities of Practise

The role of the education for the development of competencies


e-Learning corresponds with Knowledge Management in many ways. The main difference is that e-learning often is focussed on AudioVisual programs for education.

Opportunities with e-learning

Drawbacks with e-learning

Well known applications of KM

IT - for Knowledge management

Global KM

An intelligent searh engine will allow for the following type of search:

  1. A word as an input => select relationship
  2. Word - relationships => select subject or object for the relationship
  3. A description of types of situations => select type of situation

How a general knowledge base may work

The Knowledge Management of Ernst & Young

A large number of CEO's claimed that KM is one of the most 10 important challenges in the future.
KM is to create Human Capital, not only to measure it like Leif Edvinsson does

Why did KM fail
To much information is worse than no information. Nobody has yet managed to provide the essential knowledge to the one who needs it

Why KM
To increase profit
Create business

Total standardisation
In order to be able to index knowledge, structure knowledge, and search for knowledge

Which is the best source of knowledge
Begin with the material you have. Only written material like:

A simple way of creating and indexing a knowledge base

Assign the role of an internal help-desk to one person in the corporation who is an expert of searching for information in the corporation. This person creates a FAQ-database that contains:

The persons who calls the help-desk receives immediately a link to the help-desk pages via email in order to enable the questioner and the facilitator to view the same screen material when they continue their conversation

The knowledge Web of Ernst & Young

One storage many entrances

Technical KM

Historical background of the technical perspective on KM

Examples of complementary solutions

Maschine learning algorithms

A summary of needed functions in a knowledge base

Administrative problems with knowledge

Structuring knowledge

Why is it necessary to have some simple global standard for how to represent knowledge?

In the area of system design you always follow one single standard for representing parts of the organisation. Why is this difficult with knowledge?

Historical organisation theory about structuring of complexity

Toqueville, Durkheim. Sub-optimization creates a shadow organisation.

Alternative perspectives on structuring information

Whatever structure select you need to aquire information from all parts of the organisation

Bottom-up or Top-down structuring

Top down:

Bottom Up

Various types of symbolic representation of structures

Problems with structuring computer programs

Before the structuring can begin

Problems with unique knowledge structures and unique schemas

Standard Representations

The advantages with a simple standard representation


All models are models of living systems with a purpose. We may call them business ideas
Every such model has two diffferent ways of describing their aims. Eithre they aim at a target state or at increasing/enlarging a state


All knowledge should be indexed as routines at various levels

All knowledge should be transformed into domain independent knowledge
No knowledge should be implemented

Levels of Knowledge

The knowledge growth loop

From explicit to tacit

From decisions and descriptions of explicit knowledge
into automated tacit knowledge.
Is via:

  1. Patterns
  2. Goals
  3. Subgoals
  4. Processes
  5. Subprocesses
  6. and so on, until there is a work breakdown structure WBS

To organise the knowledge is via

  1. Restructure relations
  2. Regroup and reconsider it all

Problems with reusing knowledge

How do you solve the conflict with employees starting their own company

How do you solve the problem with the most competent expert being a bad boss

The usability of methods and theories

Future questions