Intelligent Filtering of Computer-Mediated Human Communication

This document serves as the IntFilter project's central repository for documentation, schedules and other information of not too-volatile nature. Please send an email to the maintainer of this document ( if you have any information you would like to add or change.

Research Topic


The IntFilter project is now closed. The project built a fully operational prototype of a filtering news reader (Pefna). The reader was tested both in its ability to classify news and in actual operation by three users.

Some of findings of the project were:

Final reports

Fredrik Kilander, Eva Fåhraeus and Jacob Palme. Intelligent information filtering. Technical report 97-002, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 1997. There is also a compressed postscript version (159 kb) of this report. The screenshots referred to in appendix A are available here: Group selection page (55k), Thread selection page (37k), Article page (37k), Category distance plot (19k), Example bin sequence editor (12k) and The group membership editor (15k).

Fredrik Kilander, Eva Fåhraeus and Jacob Palme. PEFNA The private filtering news agent. Technical report 97-004, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 1997. There is also a compressed postscript version (122 kb) of this report.

Eva Fåhraeus. Intelligent filtering on usenet news a user study. Technical report 97-003. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 1997.

Choices in the Implementation of Rating

This paper discusses some options for the design of a rating (=social filtering) system for internet objects. An architecture for a rating and filtering system is also presented. This architecture is designed to allow different groups to develop different modules in the rating and filtering system.

Documents 1996

A Brief Comparison of News Filtering Software

[Compressed PostScript, 58 Kbytes, June 19, 1996] F. Kilander A 17-page paper reviewing 11 filtering systems based on material located on the WWW and work done in the IntFilter project. This is an extended version of a 1995 paper with the same title.

Properties of Electronic Texts for Classification Purposes as Suggested by Users

F. Kilander [Compressed PostScript, 34 Kbytes, Jan 15, 1996] A seven-page paper summarizing 54 student essays on what they perceive to be important properties in email, with some notes on Usenet News and WWW. This is a draft.

Documents 1995

The Private Filtering Agent

An early 4-page short description of the prototype. [Compressed PostScript, 23 Kbytes, May 23, 1995]

A Brief Comparison of News Filtering Software

[Compressed PostScript, 49 Kbytes, May 19, 1995] F. Kilander A 13-page paper comparing six filtering systems based on material located on the WWW. Superseded by an extended version in 1996.

Message Classification and Filtering

[Compressed PostScript, 70 Kbytes, Jan 4, 1995] F. Kilander A general discussion of the filtering problem in the context of computer mediated conference systems and the Internet message format.

Comparisons of the Cosine Measure and Sub-String Indexing on Usenet News Articles

F. Kilander [Compressed PostScript, 52 Kbytes, Jan 4, 1995] Two document similarity measures are compared on a sample of Usenet News messages.

Intelligent Filtering; Based on Keywords Only?

A. Lantz, F. Kilander [Compressed PostScript, 28 Kbytes, Jan 4, 1995] Short paper on the scope and aim of the IntFilter project.

Ann Lantz. Useful criteria for intelligent filtering? Technical report 95-042. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 1995.

Documents 1994

These documents were previously available on DSV's Gopher service although no-one could read them due to PostScript errors. [FK 3 Aug 1995]

The glass box user model for filtering

J. Karlgren, K. Höök, A. Lantz, J. Palme, D. Pargman, February 1994. [Compressed PostScript, 50 Kbytes, figure 4 is missing (its missing from the original document as well, apparently is was to be pasted into the printed copy).]

GHOSTS - A Filter for Information Streams

O. Palmgren, J. Karlgren, D. Pargman [Compressed PostScript, 13 Kbytes.]

How to Create a Humane Information Flow

D. Pargman, J. Karlgren, A. Lantz, O. Palmgren, K. Höök. [Compressed PostScript, 13 Kbytes.]

Issues when designing filters in messaging systems

J. Palme, J. Karlgren, D. Pargman. [Compressed PostScript, 56 Kbytes.]

Ordstatistisk kategorisering av texter för filtrering av elektroniska meddelanden

I. Tzikas, F. P. Hussain. [Compressed PostScript, in Swedish; Ghostview drops the 'å' letter on our system but it prints ok on paper. 128 Kbytes.]

Documents 1993

Ann Lantz. How do experienced users of the system usenet news select their information? Technical report. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 1993.


The Ghosts systems was a first prototype designed for the newsreader nn. It was based on an editor for boolean rules and a production engine. The work on Ghosts was stopped august 1994 and it never really came into full-scale use.

The Ghosts System

Enkät om urval i stora informationsmängder.

A forms-based WWW-questionaire in Swedish, now closed.

Status of the Ghosts System's Development

Project Members

Fredrik Kilander

Eva Fåhraeus

Jacob Palme

List of References

Pointers to other groups

Doug Oard's list of filtering activities.
Last modified: Thu Apr 10 09:56:29 MET DST 1997