

Blog Visualization

May 2008 - KTH project

The target of this project was to visualize a blog.
The data is retrieved automatically through the RSS feed and every post of the blog is repsesented by a particle moving around randomly. The interface is changing dynamically according to the information of each post.
So by pressing the "authors" button, the particles change shape according the author of the post. By pressing the "labels" button, the particles are painted in various colors according the labels/tags they have. Each particle can have more than one color depending on the number of labels it has. Additionally by pressing the "comments" button, the particles change size according to the number of comments they have. Bigger size means more comments. Finally by pressing the "date" button, the particles gather in the same point according to the month they were written.
This project was implemented using Java, during the course "Principles of Visualization".