Course PM



After having successfully passed the course, the student will be able to:


There are three points of examination, two which be done in groups, and one that will be done individually. These are reading assignments (1.5 credit), programming assignments (in total 3 credits) plus the take-home exam (3 credits).

To pass the entire course you need to complete the three abovementioned points of examination with grade E/G or above.


Seminars will start with a mini-lecture covering (sometimes recapping) some interesting and important subject. After the mini-lecture, the attendants will be divided into their groups (2 or 4 persons) to e.g. solve some problem.

Reading Assignments

The reading assignments will be done in groups of four and consists of answering questions related to the literature.

All answers must be handed in using the template provided on the Reading Assignment page available from the main page.

Programming Assignments

Descriptions of the three assignments can be found in the git repository:

git clone ssh://{user-name}

The assignments are worth 1 credit each.

Programming assignments must be done in groups of two. To be excused, talk to Beatrice, and provide a really good motivation.

All three assignments should be handed in 2012-01-10 at the seminar. The solutions of the assignments will be discussed at the seminar.

If you hand assignments in late, you cannot score higher than grade E (lowest possible pass).


The exam will try your knowledge of the course's theoretical content.

The exam will be handed ut at the end of the seminar 2011-12-19.

The exam should be handed in 2012-01-09 at the seminar.

