ray_cast(startPosition, endPosition or direction, object, precise, notMe, [maxDistance])
Casts a ray
startPosition: The starting position of the ray. Should be an array with two values.
endPosition/direction: The end position of the ray. Should be an array with two values. OR The direction of the ray in degrees.
object: The object type that the ray can hit, can be the keyword all.
precise: If precise collision checking should be used.
notMe: If the raycast can collide with the calling object.
[maxDistance]: Optional, not needed when giving endPosition. If no distance is given, and you gave the script a direction, the maxDistance will be 500.

Returns: A map containing the keys "startPosition" (array), "hitPosition" (array), "object", "direction" (degrees), "reflectionAngle" (degrees), "normal" (degrees) and "distance".
If no object was hit, the key "object" will contain the keyword noone.