- Unit types: 'FabBuild', 'Structure', 'FabAdvBuild', 'Advanced', 'Orbital', 'Recon',
- HP: 750
- Build cost: 300 metal
- HP per 1 Metal: 2.5000
- Match-up table Orbital and Deepspace Radar
- Match-up table listed by effectiveness Orbital and Deepspace Radar
- Recon:
- Vision radius: 70
- Economy:
- Base energy consumption: 150 / s
Built by:
- T2 Advanced Fabrication Ship (0:03)
- T1 Fabrication Ship (0:30)
- T1 Avatar Commander (0:00)
- T2 Advanced Fab Aircraft (0:04)
- T1 Fabrication Bot (0:30)
- T2 Advanced Fabrication Vehicle (0:03)
- T1 Fabrication Aircraft (0:33)
- T2 Advanced Fabrication Bot (0:03)
- T1 Fabrication Vehicle (0:30)