Lisa Brouwers, PhD
Lisa is currently holding a part-time postdoc position (financed by Krisberedskapsmyndigheten ) at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI, Smittskyddsinstitutet). Lisa leads the MicroSim project.
Postdoc: from 2005-12-01 until 2008-03-13.
Lisa is currently working part-time at the Swedish Ministry for Health and Social Affairs (Socialdepartementet) in a project that investigates the longterm need for health and social care in an ageing population (Långsiktig Efterfrågan på Välfärdstjänster, LEV). The project uses the SESIM microsimulation model. Position: from 2007-05-01 -
Contact at SMI, Epidemiologiska avdelningen: Email:,
Tel: +46 8 457 2394,
Room 220, 1:st floor, Building: Fogden. See map.
Contact at Socialdepartementet, Analysenheten:
Tel: +46 8 4051452
Lisa is member of the Stockholm Group for Epidemic Modeling.
Research Interests:
- Policy support
- Simulation and Modeling
- Epidemiology
- Microsimulation/Individualbased simulation
- Decision Theory and Risk