Masters Thesis Subjects

(For Masters Theses in English or Swedish)

(Magisteruppsatsämne för magisteruppsatser på svenska eller engelska)

Danny Brash


This is a brief overview of the subjects that I am interested in advising students about, when writing a Masters Thesis. The subjects should be regarded as recommendations that are negotiable. I have intentionally omitted all propriety products and services so as to keep the subject descriptions as general (and hence as applicable) as possible. The subjects are formulated as questions rather than problems, since problems are more narrowly defined. If you are interested in any of these topics, let me know by e-mail,


Information systems

Information systems strategy.

Do organisations have information system strategies? Are they related to business strategy? A thesis could look at the relationship between the two in depth in one company or as a comparison between many companies.

Evaluation of an information system.

Does a particular information system work well? A thesis could involve the evaluation of a particular information system or a comparison between a number of information systems.

Effects and advantages

Information systems are supposed to provide a competitive advantage when used appropriately. How they are actually used and what are the advantages could be investigated in a thesis.

Organisational issues

When using information systems, there is a multitude of organisational issues that support or impede usage. These may originate in organisational structure, process or culture. A study here could look at how each or all of these affect the actual usage of an information system.


Information systems development


The initial phase in developing an information system is the planning of how its to be done. A thesis could take a look at how it is actually done in organisations.


Adopting an information systems development methodology always implies the adoption of a certain philosophical position. A thesis could look at a particular methodology or compare several methodologies in terms of alternative philosophical implications.

Methodologies, methods and techniques-survey

There are various information systems development methodologies, methods and techniques in use in Sweden. A thesis could involve a survey to find out how popular certain approaches are and why.

Methodologies, methods and techniques-comparison and evaluation

It is difficult to understand the differences between particular methodologies, methods and techniques. A thesis could conduct a comparison between several methodologies, methods or techniques, or evaluate particular instances.

Methodologies, methods and techniques-usage in practice

While manuals and books explain how to use methodologies, methods and techniques, little is known about how they actually applied and what are the consequences in practice.

Requirements Engineering

Successfully determining the requirements for an information system is crucial for the eventual success of the information system. A thesis could involve following a specific requirements determination process to see what actually occurs and why.


Reuse in information systems development has been a recurring theme for many years. There is however very little empirical research done in the field. A thesis should look at how development by or for reuse is actually done in practice. This includes questions such as which business models are applied and what are the hidden costs involved.


What is role of gender in information systems development? Do men and women act or think differently in regards to development or usage of information systems? The issue of gender and how it affects the way we understand and act is an emerging field. A thesis could look at this factor in terms of how information systems development is performed as well as how information systems are used.

Democracy and decision making

Information systems and the flow of information affect the balance of power and decision making in organisations. A thesis could look at how this happens in reality. A related topic is the use of information systems in terms of democratising the work place.

Roles and skills

Two factors that influences information systems development but are rarely investigated are the roles of the stakeholders and what skills they need, or do actually have. A thesis could involve a case study or survey within organisations.

User participation

User participation is often noted as a positive element within information systems development and its methodologies. Whether or it helps in any way, or more specifically the nature of its impact are not well known. A study could look at these aspects.



Management trends come and go. BPR, TQM, Knowledge management, CRM, SCM are just a few. What are the current trends? Are the current trends actually new? What are they really about? Do they actually work? How do they compare with earlier trends? A thesis could compare the practical differences involved?


Acquiring, managing and outsourcing IT can be complicated activities. How is IT managed? How do managers acquire IT? What does the acquisition process look like? Under what conditions is outsourcing suitable? These are some of the important questions that need to investigated


Public sector


The web is having a large impact on the way local, regional and national government is conducted. The nature of interaction between citizens and government authorities are rapidly changing. A thesis could look at the nature of these changes in general, or in specific municipalities or authorities.


Citizens in certain communities, regions and countries have begun to participate in electronic democracy. Besides the apparent advantages, there are also potential pitfalls and drawbacks. A thesis could look at the experiences that have been acquired.

Health care

One of the fasting growing areas for integration of Information systems is health care. Some issues that could be studied are the the nature of the problem and the utility of potential solutions, in theory and practice.


Organisational analysis, change & development


Information systems have the potential to fundamentally change the way an organisation works. A precondition is however that the organisation is correctly analysed for the purpose at hand. A thesis could 1) look at analysis methods, 2) study how a particular analysis was conducted, or include an analysis of an organisation for the purpose of acquiring an information system.

Change & Development

Information systems are not only be used to gain competitive advantage over competitors but even constitute or fundamentally change the whole business idea of the organisation? A thesis could look at how a specific organisation achieves these developments.

Using Business Modelling

EKD is an approach to business modelling. It is used for describing and discussing an organisation or part of one in order to facilitate organisational change or as part of an information systems development effort. A thesis could involve using EKD to analyse a situation and suggest solutions.


DSV oriented studies


The quality of education at DSV is widely discussed by students and staff. A thesis could investigate how students perceive various aspects of the education of DSV. These aspects include courses, examinations, assignments, theses, information etc. etc.

Information Systems

The conference system First Class and DAISY are often discussed by students. A thesis could investigate how students use these, or to what degree they are satisfied with these information systems.


While one of the goals of the department is an equal numbers of male and female students, gender issues are more fundamental. Some issues are for example, the possible existence of differences in attitudes, expectations, choices and performance in DSV education. A thesis could look at these issues to find out what is actually happening at the department.

Ethnicity & social background

Some issues are for example, the possible existence of differences in attitudes, expectations, choices and performance in DSV education. A thesis could look at these issues to find out what is actually happening at the department.

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